public int findColumn(java.lang.String columnName) 参数 columnName 包含列名称的 String。 返回值 指示列索引的 int 。 例外 SQLServerException 备注 此findColumn 方法是由 java.sql.ResultSet 接口中的 findColumn 方法指定的。 如果存在多个同名的列,findColumn 方法将返回第一个区分大小写的匹配项...
1 row in set (0.00 sec) 4:查看当前数据库大小 例如,我要查看INVOICE数据库的大小,那么可以通过下面SQL查看 mysql> use information_schema Reading table information for completion of table and column names You can turn off this feature to get a quicker startup with -A Database changed mysql> sele...
@@FETCH_STATUS in nested loops @@ServerName returns wrong value in SQL SERVER 2008 ##TempTable and INSERT-SELECT FROM an existing Table with an IDENTITY column %rowtype equivalent in SQL server ++ operator in TSQL - bug or feature? 2 tables referencing each other using foreign it ...
SELECT AS 'ColumnName' ,(SCHEMA_NAME(t.schema_id) + '.' + AS 'TableName' FROM sys.columns c JOIN sys.tables t ON c.object_id = t.object_id WHERE LIKE '%MyName%' ORDER BY TableName ,ColumnName; Search Tables and Views: SELECT COLUMN_NAME AS 'Column...
IV. Find Table By Column Name Using SQL Query Another common scenario in the database world is to find the tables having the specific column or the columns containing a phrase in the name. For such a need to find the tables having the column, you can query thesys.tablessystem table and...
sql-server-2005 sql-server-2012 sql-server-2008-r2 Share Improve this question Follow asked Sep 16, 2016 at 16:23 Abhijith Nayak 45477 silver badges2222 bronze badges Add a comment 1 Answer Sorted by: 6 SELECT tc.CONSTRAINT_NAME , ccu.COLUMN_NAME FROM INFORMATION...
public int findColumn(java.lang.String columnName) 參數columnNameString,包含資料行的名稱。傳回值指出資料行索引的 int。例外狀況SQLServerException備註這個findColumn 方法是由 java.sql.ResultSet 介面中的 findColumn 方法指定。如果有多個資料行同名,findColumn 方法會傳回第一個區分大小寫的相符項目。 如果沒...
public int findColumn(java.lang.String columnName) Parameters columnName AStringthat contains the name of the column. Return Value Anintthat indicates the column index. Exceptions SQLServerException Remarks This findColumn method is specified by the findColumn method in the java.sql.ResultSet interfa...
In the result of the previous SQL statement, we can see in the last column (WASTED_SIZE) that there are almost 650MB of wasted disk space. This column represents gaps in tablespaces. Let's find out for which tables and how to recover it: ...
sys.index_columnsASb ONa.object_id = b.object_idANDa.index_id = b.index_id WHERE a.is_hypothetical = 0AND a.object_id = OBJECT_ID('[[[SCHEMA-NAME.TABLE-NAME]]]'); Example Related Articles Article onfinding the row count of all the tables In a database. ...