find . -type f \( -name "*.pas" -o -name "*.dfm" \) -print0 | xargs --null grep --with-filename --line-number --no-messages --color --ignore-case "searchtext" Short explanation of the options: . in the find specifies from the current directory. -name "*.*" : for ...
You can even use fd's colored output inside fzf by setting: export FZF_DEFAULT_COMMAND="fd --type file --color=always" export FZF_DEFAULT_OPTS="--ansi" For more details, see the Tips section of the fzf README. Using fd with rofi rofi is a graphical launch menu application that is ...
Now with Dark Mode I have been creating color assets to manage dark mode colors, but sometimes I think of a more semantic name for a certain color after I have used it in multiple places and I was wondering if there is a way to find where a color has been used even if I have to ...
Sable is the name for a skin color that has a very deep brown with an almost black tone. To some people, this unique dark hue almost looks like blue. This also belongs to type VI of the Fitzpatrick Scale. This is considered a unique color because not a lot of celebrities in mainstream...
Sub ListPlatePropertiesByInkName() Dim pplPlate As Plate Set pplPlate = ActiveDocument.Plates.FindPlateByInkName(pbInkNameSpot3) With pplPlate Debug.Print "Plate Name: " & .Name Debug.Print "Index: " & .Index Debug.Print "Ink Name: " & .InkName Debug.Print "Color: " & .Color Debug...
If the output layer includes more than nine clusters, multiple clusters will be assigned to each color. However, neighboring clusters will be assigned different colors to keep them visually distinct. If the Clustering method parameter value is Self-adjusting (HDBSCAN), the output point layer will ...
builtin.colorschemeLists available colorschemes and applies them on<cr> builtin.quickfixLists items in the quickfix list builtin.quickfixhistoryLists all quickfix lists in your history and open them withbuiltin.quickfixor quickfix window ...
> Seurat:::FastExpMean function (mat, display_progress) { .Call("_Seurat_FastExpMean", PACKAGE = "Seurat", mat, display_progress) } <bytecode: 0x00000000231e5748> <environment: namespace:Seurat> 查找.Call()中的函数的位置: $ find . | xargs grep -n "FastExpMean" --color=auto 2>/...
逐层遍历目录查找-A: 显示匹配行及前面多少行, 如: -A3, 则表示显示匹配行及前3行-B: 显示匹配行及后面多少行, 如: -B3, 则表示显示匹配行及后3行-C: 显示匹配行前后多少行, 如: -C3, 则表示显示批量行前后3行--color: 匹配到的内容高亮显示--include: 指定匹配的文件类型--exclude: 过滤不需要匹...
h2 = findall(gcf,'Type','text','Color','b') h2 = Text (y = x^2) with properties: String: 'y = x^2' FontSize: 11 FontWeight: 'bold' FontName: 'Helvetica' Color: [0 0 1] HorizontalAlignment: 'center' Position: [5.5000 100.7725 0] Units: 'data' Use GET to show all prope...