You will find the value of the last cell of the last row of the dataset. Method 6 – Applying the HLOOKUP Function to Find the Last Cell with Value in a Row in Excel We will find the last cell of Row 8 in our dataset. Use this formula in an empty cell, =HLOOKUP(I4,B4:I12...
Inside the For loop, theMATCHfunction is used to find the position of the value in cell (i, 8 i.e., the current cell in column 8) within the rangeF5:F12. This is done using theMatchmethod. TheINDEXfunction is then used to return the value from the corresponding cell in themodelRang...
PressEnterkey, and the first value has been found. Then drag auto fill handle down to cell F6, all values have been extracted. Notes The formulas do not support case sensitive. The number 2 in the formulas indicate that you find the matching values in the second column of the table array...
Reminder:This is an array formula. If you are using Excel 2019 or earlier, you need to pressCTRL + SHIFT + ENTERto enter the formula, instead of simply pressingENTER. Find First Cell With Any Value in Google Sheets This formula works the same in Google Sheets except that it’s not nece...
In this article, we will learn about how to find the Maximum value if it matches multiple conditions in Excel.Scenario:When working with long ranges of data, we need to find the maximum value among the range where more than one condition is matching. In simple words finding out ...
You can find cells with specific text in a range and get their addresses with the Find and Replace feature in Excel. Please do as follows. 1. Select the range you want to find address of cell containing specific text, and then press Ctrl + F keys simultaneously to open the Find and Re...
=FILTER($G$4:$G$71,ISNUMBER(FIND(CELL('contents'),$G$4:$G$71))) 然后选择C5到C8这个范围,选择数据验证 选择序列,下方输入=$I$4# $I$4#的这个#意思是使用在数组溢出的范围, 意思就是以I4为基点延伸到这个范围的最底端. 最后选择数据验证中的出错警告: ...
=OFFSET(top_cell,MATCH(Lookup_Value,Lookup_Array,0),Offset_Col) This formula finds Mary's age in the sample worksheet: =OFFSET(A1,MATCH(E2,A2:A5,0),2) The formula uses the value "Mary" in cell E2 and finds "Mary" in column A. The formula...
Test for a single cell value type TheExcel.SpecialCellValueTypeenum has these four basic types (in addition to the other combined values described later in this section): Excel.SpecialCellValueType.errors Excel.SpecialCellValueType.logical(which means boolean) ...
Stage 1: Download PassFab for Excel and then install it. You will see the main interface. Choose "Recover Excel Open Password" feature. Stage 2: If you have installed it then Choose Add button, import the file for which you are looking for the password. ...