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Open the Windows CMD command line, Mac OS X Terminal or Linux shell. OS X : type mv sfk-mac-64.exe sfk and chmod +x sfk then ./sfk Linux: type mv sfk-linux-64.exe sfk and chmod +x sfk then ./sfk. OS X and Linux syntax may differ, check the help within the tool.sfk...
find / -size +100M -size -200M -ls The Linux ‘find’ command can be combined with ‘ls’, ‘sort’ and ‘tail’ to isolate the top 5 biggest files within a directory for admin review. For example: find /var/log -type f -exec ls -s {} \; | sort -n | tail -n 5 This ...
In one of our previous articles, we saw in detailHow to see the disk space usage for a file or folder using Linux terminal. The mentioned article refers to the "du" command which is able to calculate the summary size of a directory or a file. You can combine it with a few other co...
A special thank you goes to our biggest sponsors: The $HOME of all things in the terminal. Find your next CLI / TUI tool and more at Terminal Trove, Get updates on new tools on our newsletter. Features Intuitive syntax: fd PATTERN instead of find -iname '*PATTERN*'. Regular expressio...
P.S. The recovered files were mostly .pdf files, docx, xlsx and Windows-Links to other Win-folders. The biggest files size was about 4 MB Member yaira2 commented Nov 13, 2023 I'm glad to hear you were able to recover the items. Files doesn't currently display the version tab in ...
Windows Explorer has always had trouble with file path/names longer than 255 characters. Windows itself lost that limit many years ago, which is why a 3rd party tool had no trouble with the deletion. Sometimes moving/renaming a top level folder in Explorer is all you need to do to get un...
I wrote the solution below which gives a low performance, however, I can't see the bug. publicstaticintsolution(int[] A){ Set<Integer> set =newTreeSet<>();for(inta : A) { set.add(a); }intN=set.size();int[] C =newint[N];intindex=0;for(inta : set) { ...
“Current Directory”, which will search the folder that contains the currently open document. When searching a solution, there are checkboxes to include miscellaneous files (files that you’ve opened but aren’t part of the solution) as well as external items (files like “windows.h” that ...
1. Tools | Advanced Find 2. Execute the search 3. Right click on a column heading such as Subject and choose Field Chooser 4. Drag the appropriate field into the advanced find window If you File | Save Search, you can save that search query as a file that will execute t...