But if you're not, if you just have Google Maps installed on your iPhone, it's not tracking your location, you're not gonna see anything in Google Timeline. But for the half or so of the population that's using Google or using Android phones, there could be a wealth of information ...
The graduated degrees displayed on a compass are horizontal angles called bearings or azimuths and expressed in degrees (°). There are 360-degree marks (azimuths) inscribed on a survey compass face as well as bearing quadrants (NE, SE, SW, or NW) broken into 90-degree bearings. So, azi...
On a map [which is not a globe] the great circle between any two points in the same hemisphere which are not North/South curve towards the nearest Pole. Try this on Google Earth, using the ruler to draw a line and read the heading [it is easy to visualise on longer distances when...