Article Google Scholar Lopez, C. O., & Donovan, L. (2009). Involving Latino parents with mathematics through family math nights: A review of the literature. Journal of Latinos and Education, 8(3), 219–230. Article Google Scholar Lorenzo-Blanco,...
DOI Share this article Anyone you share the following link with will be able to read this content:Get shareable link Provided by the Springer Nature SharedIt content-sharing initiative Keywords Myocardial infarction Diabetes Mellitus FINDRISC Self-perceptio...
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doi:10.1210/jendso/bvae163.776Disclosure: R. Kennedy: None. D.A. D'Alessio: None. A.V. Vella: None. Introduction: Selective arterial calcium stimulation testing (SACST) can be utilized in patients to localize solitary insulinomas when imaging is non diagnostic. While a heterogenous stimulation...
ArticleCASGoogle Scholar Boolell, M. et al. Sildenafil: an orally active type 5 cyclic GMP-specific phosphodiesterase inhibitor for the treatment of penile erectile dysfunction.Int. J. Impot. Res.8, 47–52 (1996). CASPubMedGoogle Scholar ...
production of the small amount of milky white liquid at orgasm and not the “squirting” investigated in this paper. “This study shows the other two kinds of fluids that can be expelled from the female urethra – urine alone, and urine diluted with substances from the female prostate,” ...
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Article Google Scholar Bond, A. et al. Dealing with the cultural heritage aspect of environmental impact assessment in Europe. Impact Assess. Project Appraisal. 22(1), 37–45. (2004). Article Google Scholar Zhou, K. Y. & Sheate, W. R. EIA ...