The Find and Replace dialog can be shown in GridControl as like Excel while pressing CTRL + F shortcut key. This can be done by using the CurrentCellKeyDown event as like below example, C# VB.NET //Triggering the CurrentCellKeyDown event. this.gridControl1.CurrentCellKeyDown += new Key...
What is the keyboard shortcut for Find and Replace in Google Docs? For users of Google Docs, the keyboard shortcut for Find and Replace isCtrl+Hfor Windows orCommand+Shift+Hfor macOS. This will bring up the Find and Replace dialog box, which works similarly to Word’s feature, allowing...
Find and replace text in notes Finding and replacing text can be helpful when editing your notes. OneNote doesn't currently support an automatic search and replace, but you can use instant search to find specific text, and then replace it manually using a keyboard shortcut. ...
Here is how you can access and use the Find and Replace tool in MS Word on Windows: PressCtrl+Hto open the Find and Replace dialog box directly. Alternatively, you can access it via the Ribbon. Click the “Home” tab, and in the “Editing” group, click on “Replace.” Access the ...
Toolbar buttons and shortcut keys are also available to open the Find and Replace dialog box.The sections that follow list controls available on the Find in Files tab.Find WhatThese controls on the Find in Files tab enable you to specify the string or expression that will be matched....
It has a toolbar with a set of buttons, a pane of results, and additional buttons for Replace in Path, and Refactoring Preview operations. note Unless you find something, this tool window is not visible in the View menu. Toolbar buttons Item Tooltip and Shortcut Description Options Ctrl...
Shortcut Keys Search Result Entries Summary Lines See Also The twoFind Resultswindows display matches found when using theFind in Files, Find and Replace WindoworReplace in Files, Find and Replace Window. TheResult optionsforFind in FilesandReplace in Filesallow you to choose theFind Resultswindow...
Toolbar buttons and shortcut keys are also available to open theFind and Replacedialog box. Find What These controls enable you to specify the string or expression that will be matched. Find what Type the text to search for. The dialog box attempts to fill in a probable search text, using...
Open the document you want to search in Microsoft Word on your Windows device. Press the keyboard shortcut Ctrl+H or go to the Home tab and click the Replace option in the Editing group. If you want to narrow your search, you can use the More button to access additional options, such...
Shortcut Menu See Also TheFind Symbol Resultswindow lists search results for theFind Symboltab of theFind and Replacewindow, theFind All Referencesshortcut menu command in theObject Browser,Class View, or theCode Editor. To redisplay this window after closing it, selectOther Windowson theViewmenu ...