1. -name:根据文件名进行查找。例如,find /path/to/directory -name “file_name”会在指定路径下查找文件名为file_name的文件。 2. -type:根据文件类型进行查找。例如,find /path/to/directory -type d会查找指定路径下的所有目录,而find /path/to/directory -type f会查找指定路径下的所有普通文件。 3. ...
2. Find Files Using Name and Ignoring Case 在1的基础上忽略文件名的大小写 This is a basic usage of the find command. This example finds all files with name — MyCProgram.c (ignoring the case) in the current directory and all it’s sub-directories. 这也是Find命令的基本操作之一.下面的例子...
# find / -name passwd ./usr/share/doc/nss_ldap-253/pam.d/passwd ./usr/bin/passwd ./etc/pam.d/passwd ./etc/passwd 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 在root目录及其1层深的子目录中查找passwd. (例如root — level 1, and one sub-directory — level 2) # find -maxdepth 2 -name passwd ./etc/pa...
Linux中find命令用法全汇总:基础查找操作: 查找特定名称的文件:使用find . name "test.c"在当前目录中查找名称为test.c的文件;使用find ~ name "test"在主目录下查找所有名为test的文件。 忽略大小写查找:使用find . iname "test"忽略大小写查找所有名称为test的文件。 查找特定目录下的所有文件...
Linux中的find命令是一种非常强大的工具,用于在文件系统中查找文件和文件夹。它提供了许多选项和参数,以满足各种不同的搜索需求。以下是一些常用的find命令示例: 1. 查找特定文件名: `find /path/to/directory -name filename` 这个命令将在指定目录中递归搜索具有指定文件名的文件,并返回所有匹配的文件路径。
$ find $HOME -name "*.sh" -o -name "jumpscripts" /home/linuxtechi/automation/cleanup.sh /...
Linux | 基础知识 | 命令/SHELL/PERL | 参与评论 | 38941 阅读 语法 xargs [ -p ] [ -t ] [ -e [ EOFString ] ] [ -E EOFString ] [ -i [ ReplaceString ] ] [ -I ReplaceString ] [ -l [ Number ] ] [ -L Number ] [ -n Number [ -x ] ] ...
How to find and operate on files¶ To find and operate on file us the-execoption. This allows a command to be executed on files that are found. find ./foo -type f -name bar -exec chmod777{}\; How to find and replace in a range of files¶ ...
I would like to use the linux file command to locate these projects e.g. byfind -name pom.xml. This however takes some time because of the deep paths. I would like to usefind -pruneto stop searching in subdirectories when I already find the file, but prune only stops on...
Warning: unless you really can't avoid it, don't search from '/' (the root directory) to avoid a long and inefficient search! So in the examples above, you'd better replace '/' by a sub-directory name, e.g. "/home" depending where you actually want to search... Share Improve ...