Take the first step today. Find an AA meeting in your state, city, or neighborhood. Trust in the care of God and let us help you achieve freedom from alcohol. Find an AA Meeting AA Meetings FAQs What is AA? "AA" stands for Alcoholics Anonymous, a worldwide community that helps those...
To locate an Alcoholics Anonymous meeting near you, start by selecting the state and then the city in which you are searching. We will provide you with a list of meetings held in the area based on proximity. Find information like where the meetings are held, what days and times they held...
Find AA meetings near me in Maryland. The most comprehensive directory of Alcoholics Anonymous meetings sorted by day, distance, meeting type, and more!
Alcoholics Anonymous Step By Step 9:30 pmMonday Narcotics Anonymous Joy in Recovery 11:00 pmMonday Alcoholics Anonymous not a glum lot :o) 1:00 amTuesday Alcoholics Anonymous Footprints in the Sand 2:00 amTuesday Narcotics Anonymous Back to Basics 3:00 amTuesday Coda [codependency] Mo...
Alcoholics Anonymous Celebrating Sober Milestones or Acceptance 9:30 amThursday Trauma & Recovery Trauma & Recovery 10:00 amThursday Spiritual Gangsters [mens Group] SPIRITUAL GANGSTERS - Mens Meeting 10:00 amThursday Alanon ALANON See 141 more meetings happening this week Featured Addiction Tre...
Alcoholics AnonymousalternativeschoiceAlcoholics Anonymous (AA) and its professional analog, the Minnesota Model, are often the only options available to persons looking for assistance in overcoming an alcohol abuse problem. Twelve reasons why alternatives to the Twelve Steps must be identified...
Need to find your nearest Alcoholics Anonymous meeting? Use this simple to use Application to locate your nearest Alcoholics Anonymous meeting. Only currently available in South AfricaAlcoholics Anonymous is an international mutual aid fellowship founded in 1935 by Bill Wilson and Dr. Bob Smith in Ak...
Most meetings are held at a church or a community center. A typical meeting begins with a chairperson reciting the Serenity Prayer. Following this, new members will have an opportunity to introduce themselves before the group moves on to allow other group members to read the passageWe Can Recov...
This kind of organization has enabled many benefits throughout church history. For example, organized religion gave us various charities, Bibles in many languages, trained leaders, and universities. In addition, organized religion has enabled recovery ministries like Alcoholics Anonymous, Sunday School ma...
Addiction is being late to an important meeting because you have to stop home and get high. Addiction is using money you need for dinner but using it for drugs instead and consciously making that decision and feeling as though it was the right one. I was poor as fuck in college, but I...