第一次启动Oracle SQL Developer的时候会让我们填写java.exe的路径,我在jdk安装目录下的bin中找到了java.exe,但是填写以后报如下错误:3.原因oracle 11g中安装的Oracle SQL Developer是32位的,而我们现在给他指定的java.exe却是64位的,所以会出现这种错误。
1)从Oracle官网下载Oracle SQL dEVELOPER x64,网址是:http://www.oracle.com/technetwork/developer-tools/sql-developer/downloads/index.htm。然后替换掉原安装目录(如D盘下D:\app\Administrator\product\11.2.0\dbhome_1)下的sqldeveloper文件夹,然后重新启动SQL Developer即可。 我的在此基础上还要再配置jdk环境...
第一次启动Oracle SQL Developer的时候会让我们填写Java.exe的路径,我在jdk安装目录下的bin中找到了java.exe,但是填写以后报如下错误: WARNING: Could not find jvm.cfg! in 'C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.7.0_17\jre\lib\jvm.cfg' 3.原因 oracle 11g中安装的Oracle SQL Developer是32位的,而我们现在给他指...
第一次启动Oracle SQL Developer的时候会让我们填写java.exe的路径,我在jdk安装目录下的bin中找到了java.exe,但是填写以后报如下错误: 3.原因 oracle 11g中安装的Oracle SQL Developer是32位的,而我们现在给他指定的java.exe却是64位的,所以会出现这种错误。 4.解决方法 1)从网上下载Oracle SQL Developer x64,...
In this article, we will discover how we can retrieve the information and control who is using the MySQL DB instance we launched in OCI. Secure Connections The first thing we can check is that all our clients encrypt their connection to the MySQL server. ...
In the result of the previous SQL statement, we can see in the last column (WASTED_SIZE) that there are almost 650MB of wasted disk space. This column represents gaps in tablespaces. Let's find out for which tables and how to recover it: ...
1)从网上下载Oracle SQL Developer x64,然后替换原目录:D:\app\oracle\product\11.1.0\db_1\sqldeveloper下的32位的Oracle SQL Developer。这样重新启动Oracle SQL Developer 并制定java.exe的路径就可以了。 2)安装JDK6 x86,也就是32位的JDK,虽然我们的系统是64位的,但是也兼容32位的JDK。
Oracle11gr2的SQL Developer启动时can not find a j2se sdk installed at path(已经安装jre) 这个问题你怎么解决的啊 将你的环境变量配了没。
If you’re a developer or data management expert with SQL expertise, Application Express in Oracle Database can open new career possibilities.
FIND_PHRASE白央件弁扑亦件 仇及白央件弁扑亦件反﹜硌隅今木凶曆互p_string囀卞丐月井升丹井毛 齯楔牏飽 帊髐炴 /苤恅趼互 e今木內﹜諾啞恅趼云方太杻忷恅趼手 o 今木引允﹝ 恅 戊疋奈 FUNCTION FIND_PHRASE ( p_phrase IN VARCHAR2, ...