Find Word Animals游戏简介 Game teka - teki ini bertujuan untuk mengasah pengetahuan anda tentang nama - nama hewan yang tersebar di seluruh duniaPuzzle games - Puzzle aims to sharpen your knowledge of the names - the names of animals scattered around the world 分类: 休闲益智休闲 相关应用 最新...
Find Words with Animals is a pleasant variation on the well known hangman game. With this game you will be challenged to retrieve the correct word within 8 moves. Words can be in different languages like english, french and german.
Find Words with Animals is a pleasant variation on the well known hangman game. With this game you will be challenged to retrieve the correct word within 8 moves. Words can be in different languages like english, french and german. It is also possible to play together on the couch. Enter...
Word 21.59MB 查看 word文档编辑 22.05MB 查看 Game teka - teki ini bertujuan untuk mengasah pengetahuan anda tentang nama - nama hewan yang tersebar di seluruh duniaPuzzle games - Puzzle aims to sharpen your knowledge of the names - the names of animals scattered around the world 更多 网友...
例:Therefore, it is not difficult to draw the conclusion that living in a big city is better. 因此,不难得出居住在大城市更好的结论。 3.In a word, the whole society should pay close to the problem of... Only in this way the future. ...
Like a pet, but without the hassle. Choose your digital pet from 8 different animals, with adorable, animated actions reacting to you and your environment. Live Weather Fab Instant Forecasts Effortlessly see what the weather has in store, with live wallpaper that gives you an instant read on...
Someanimalscaneasilyfindtheirwayhomeafter a longjourney.Howdotheymakeit?Scientificresearchshowsthattheyarebornwithcertainunusualabilitiesfordirection. A certainkindofants,forexample,cancounttheirstepstoavoidgettinglost.Theycangoasfaras 110 metresandbringfoodhome.Theseantsliveintheopendesert (沙漠),sotheyhavenothi...
E.g.: Animals,Birds, Fruits & Veggies and Cartoons. - Discover most popular landmarks, cities and countries of the world from the grid. - Enhance your vocab with unlimited no. of dictionary word puzzles. - World famous people who have changed history. Search their names inside the puzzle...
例句:In a word, the whole society should pay close attention to the problem of protecting the environment. Only in this way can we have a good place to live in the future. 总之,全社会都应该密切关注环境保护问题,只有这样将来我们才能有一个生存的好地方。