find /var -newer "myfile1" ! -newer "myfile2" -print 查找/var目录下比myfile1新,但是比myfile2旧的所有文件。 find /var -type d -print 查找/var目录下所有目录 find /var -type l -print 查找/var目录下所有的符号链接文件。 find . -size +1000000c -print 查找当前目录下大于1000000字节的...
find命令的功能是用于根据给定的路径和条件查找相关文件或目录,参数灵活方便,且支持正则表达式,结合管道符后能够实现更加复杂的功能,是Linux系统运维人员日常工作必须掌握的命令之一。 find命令通常进行的是从根目录(/)开始的全盘搜索,有别于whereis、which、locate……等的有条件或部分文件的搜索。对于服务器负载较高的...
find . -type f -name "*.java" -exec grep -l StringBuffer {} \; # find StringBuffer in all *.java files find . -type f -name "*.java" -exec grep -il string {} \; # ignore case with -i option find . -type f -name "*.gz" -exec zgrep 'GET /foo' {} \; # search ...
A find B sed C awk D grep 相关知识点: 试题来源: 解析 A. find:find命令在Linux中是用来查找文件的。虽然它是一个非常强大和常用的命令,但它并不是处理文本数据的主要工具,所以不是"文本三剑客"。 B. sed:stream editor的缩写,是一种在线文本编辑器,可以对文本数据进行复杂的处理和转换。 C. awk...
1. Find a directory using its name By far, this is the most common and simple way to search for a directory where you know the name of the directory and where to find it and that's it! To find directories using their names, you can use the find command in the following manner: ...
百度试题 题目Linux在给定文件中查找与设定条件相符字符串的命令为 A.grepB.gzipC.findD.sort相关知识点: 试题来源: 解析 A 反馈 收藏
Thegrepcommand is a built-in Linux command that allows you to search for lines that match a given pattern. By default, it returns all lines in a file that contain a specified string. Thegrepcommand is case-sensitive, but you can use specific parameters to modify its behavior. ...
Linux find的用法_find的用法归纳 在此处只给出find的基本用法示例,都是平时我个人非常常用的搜索功能。...如果有不理解的部分,则看后面的find运行机制详解对于理论的说明,也建议在看完这些基本示例后阅读一遍理论说明,它是本人翻译自find的man文档并加上了个人的理解。...另外,在该理论说明结束后,还有find深入用法...
This tutorial explains how to use the sed command on the command line and the find and replace tool on GUI to find and replace text strings on Linux. Finding and replacing a text string in the file is one of the most basic text editing operations. All text editors support this operation...
The Linux Find command can filter objects recursively using a simple conditional mechanism, and if you use the -exec flag, you’ll also be able to find a file in Linux straightaway and process it without needing to use another command.