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(208 more copies, see Additional file2: Table S2). This observation can be explained by the fact that the library used in this case was more recent and thus capable of containing new reference elements. In the results from the UCSC files we observed that theDNAREP1element was associated ...
Adaptation to systematic visual distortions is well-documented but there is little evidence of similar adaptation to radical changes in audition. We use a pseudophone to transpose the sound streams arriving at the left and right ears, evaluating the perc [ w ] hit maximum length, total of 1 not displayed [ i ] discovered associated external URL(s): -> ->
Aldon D. Morris, Carol McClurg Mueller, 273–297. New Haven: Yale University Press. McCarthy, John D., und Mayer N. Zald. 1977. Resource mobilization and social movements: a partial theory. American Journal of Sociology 82:1212–1241. Morris, Aldon D., und Suzanne Staggenborg. 2004. ... Products: Power Supplies, EMI Filters View Site Newark Address: 300 S. Riverside Plaza, Suite 2200, Chicago, Il 60606 Contact Email: Products: EMI Filters View Site Online Components Address: 2425 South 21st Street Phoenix, AZ 85034 ...
doi:10.1016/j.jasrep.2015.06.025Mueller-Bieniek, AldonaKittel, PiotrMuzolf, B?a?ejMuzolf, Przemys?awElsevier LtdJournal of Archaeological Science ReportsMueller-Bieniek, A., Kittel, P., Muzolf, B., Muzolf, P., 2015. Useful plants from the site Lutomiersk-Koziowki near Lod藕 (...