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a much deeper psychological as well as ethical journey than you’ll find in a whole lot of youngsters’s magazines, in addition to if you’re up for that, this book is a fantastic overview in addition to a fantastic tale.We are Rocky’s Book Club, made up of 3rd, 4th & & fifth....
Maggie loves animals and thinks a new puppy to call her own is the answer, but when she goes to select one on her birthday, she breaks out in hives and rashes. She’s severely allergic to anything with fur! Can Maggie outsmart her allergies and find the perfect pet? With illustrations ...
Imagine the scene: you and your pet are enjoying Sunday brunch at home. You can’t help but notice that you have puppy-dog looks from him. When you throw them a snack, they are happy. What’s the real ingredient in that sweet treat? Many people today are opting for more natural prod...
The world changed on a dime and I didn’t see it coming. One typically loud day I was planning, scheduling and reserving my time for people, places and things. The next day I was completely focused on only my family, my friends and their health. My 6 year old daughter calls this –...
I adore her lovely curls and I couldn’t stop adding to her (we’ve just got a second sausage dog and now we’ve named her Winnie!). So she was my favourite to draw – but Bea is my favourite character by far. I love the fact that she’s desperate for a puppy… We’ve just...
We have been showing and breeding since 1974. As ethical breeders we feel a responsibility for each and every life we bring into the world and this responsibility requires us to adhere to the code of ethics established by The American Shih Tzu Club. We are a proud member of The American...
“I guess I’m looking for inspiration. I don’t want to go back home to find myself in my old life, like nothing has changed at all.” Ralf just ran his fingers through my hair and smiled. “It will change you,” he said, as though it was a matter of fact. “You’ll feel...
I had seen the real Freddie Mercury at work, whipping 70,000 people into a frenzy. He gave everything to his performance; nothing else mattered to him. When he came off, he rushed to his trailer and I tottered behind like a puppy. His first words were: “Thank God that’s over!”...
country are attacked by dogs while delivering mail each year, which has led the USPS to start issuing notes to pet owners on the proper ways to 'support safe mail delivery.' Things like keeping dogs inside the house or behind a fence, away from the door or in another room, or on a ...