Author Index: ( - 0 - 9 A À Å B C D E É F G H Ḥ I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z Brett Schilke Craig Brown Ella Berthoud Liz Lee Heinecke Renee Day Roald; Dahl Sophie Cleverly Stephanie Corfee SAMIULLAH KORESHI ...
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Coincidentally, on October 8th — about two weeks prior to my pursuing this story — Toni noted on her website this about her father: “Yesterday was the 26th anniversary of my father’s death. He died young of a heart attack and I remember how he used to joke that we’d all hang o...
Not far away from the house, you’ll find her grave. There, on the old and worn headstone, rests a collection of rocks and coins left behind by dozens of admirers over the years. Lucy Maud Montgomery’s spirit can be felt everywhere you go on PEI. She wrote literature from her imagin...