I thought I could nest your formula inside to find the column address but it gives dates like 00/09/1900 or N/A when I try to do that. Is there a way to find that column and return the last date on it. ie the Next Due Date. We've ( you've ) found the cell a...
Hi, I have been stuck at this part for a while, anyone have any idea to find out the start and end date for item B when it is in Japan? Was thinking minifs+hlookup ... KONG84 With Excel 2021 you can get both dates spilled with a single formula - Data formated asTable1 - Named...
Here are the stats for the immensely popular r/DnD (Dungeons & Dragons subreddit). Again, Dungeons & Dragons is too broad of a topic to go after. Thankfully, however, subredditdata.com offers details on top Dungeons & Dragons-related keywords, as well as related subreddits. ...
Here are the stats for the immensely popular r/DnD (Dungeons & Dragons subreddit). Again, Dungeons & Dragons is too broad of a topic to go after. Thankfully, however, subredditdata.com offers details on top Dungeons & Dragons-related keywords, as well as related subreddits. Right away,...
so line 3 above needs to point to the actual range for the key and links (before you had 'Sheet 2' which had a space in the tab name so excel didn't recognize that. I would recommend updating sheet 2 data to be in a named TABLE (format as table on the home tab a...
If I filter the table to showaonly and do a Find Alljones, no problem I get: Formatted as Table: If I filter the table to showaonly and do Find All500, no problem too However, with the same setup and the table filtered to showaonly, if I select the whole column A and do a Fin...
Here are the stats for the immensely popular r/DnD (Dungeons & Dragons subreddit). Again, Dungeons & Dragons is too broad of a topic to go after. Thankfully, however, subredditdata.com offers details on top Dungeons & Dragons-related keywords, as well as related subreddits. ...
=XMATCH("*",A:A,2,-1) appears to do it or I munderstood the point/question JosWoolley Ah, wait. I forgot that a search_mode parameter of -1 for XMATCH is a linear search, not binary, so that will most likely be much slower than the MATCH construction I gave. ...
I want to find the earliest date from the category (Pull Requisition, Push Requisition, Push Requisition-M and Pull Requisition-M) from sheet 2. If use MINIFS(Sheet 2!Category,Sheet 2!Material,Sheet1!A2,"Pull Requisition"), only will return the earliest date of Pull Requisition, but how ...
so line 3 above needs to point to the actual range for the key and links (before you had 'Sheet 2' which had a space in the tab name so excel didn't recognize that. I would recommend updating sheet 2 data to be in a named TABLE (format as table on the home tab an...