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As a .gov product for the federal government, FindYouthInfo is subject to Section 508 of the Rehabilitation Act. Its content had to be fully accessible to those with visual, hearing, and other impairments. The site received near perfect marks under two federal accessibility audits, one just be...
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In the article“FindaGoodName” in CBN Weekly, Labbrand’s VP & Creative Director Amanda Liu commented that “in Chinese brand naming, creativity is only about 20%. labbrand.com labbrand.com 在《第一财经周刊》刊登的题为“找个好名字”的文章中,朗标副总裁及创意总监Amanda ...
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legco.gov.hk Hence, I find it all the more necessary to vote in favour of the motion today with a view to taking forward the constitutional [...] legco.gov.hk 因此,我覺得更有需要在今天 表決贊成議案,藉以推動政制 向前走,支持在2012年的立法會選舉增加民主成分。 legco.gov.hk [......
find it hardtofindaplace forpractice. legco.gov.hk legco.gov.hk 過去,許多喜愛音樂的年青人找不到地方練習,也租用舊工廠大廈練習。 legco.gov.hk legco.gov.hk In fact, you shouldfindaplace foryourchild in some better-equipped schools." They are actually trying to ...
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Elisabeth Smith, director of state policy and advocacy at the Center for Reproductive Rights, said the anti-abortion movement is “on their heels” after turning tomisinformationandfearmongeringin Ohio in a losing cause. “It’s become clear that the majority of Americans support abort...