$0-$99 in delinquent debt: Approved. $100-$2499 in delinquent debt: 1 month's rent as a deposit. $2500-$5000 in delinquent debt: 1 month's rent as a deposit + a cosigner. $5000+ in delinquent debt: Declined. Credit will not be considered for applicants receiving a housing subsidy ...
have savings large enough that the bank isn't worried about your ability to repay your credit card. If you have $0 income and need access to a credit card, you can try applying with a cosigner. Alternatively, you may be added as an authorized user onto someone else's credit card ...
have savings large enough that the bank isn't worried about your ability to repay your credit card. If you have $0 income and need access to a credit card, you can try applying with a cosigner. Alternatively, you may be added as an authorized user onto someone else's credit card ...