Step 2:Run the macro; pressF5. In a moment, the macro takes you back to the worksheet, you see the blank cell and total cell count along with the color formatting. Changing the color codes inside the VBA RGB function, you can apply any color for blank cell formatting. Method 4 – F...
Set cell1 = .Find("write off", LookIn:=xlValues, MatchCase:=isNotUCaseLowCaseSame)End With With Worksheets(1).Range("A:A")Set cell2 = .Find("write off", LookIn:=xlValues, MatchCase:=isNotUCaseLowCaseSame)End With 不好意思,现在上班中,没有办法帮你调查后面的拷贝的事情 ...
如果没找到也会报错要加判断语句If Not findcell Is Nothing Then4、 对哪个表操作就 直接 sheet1. 后面加其他属性就可以了 不需要老用select ,Sub 测试()Dim findcell As RangeDim fr%Set findcell = Sheet1.Cells.Find("天津")If Not findcell Is Nothing Thenfr = findcell.Rowfindcell....
Loop Until Cell Is Nothing Or Cell.Address = FirstAddress End If End With End Sub ‘- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - [参考] 参见《使VBA代码更快且更简洁的方法》一文中的“使用已有的VBA方法:Find方法”,体验使用传统的循环方法...
代码语言:vba 复制 Sub FindValueInMergedCells() Dim rng As Range Dim cell As Range Dim searchValue As String searchValue = "要查找的值" ' 设置要查找的范围 Set rng = Range("A1:A10") ' 循环遍历每个单元格 For Each cell In rng
I am trying to use the find function in excel VBA inside of a loop. Frist pass would make the \"what\" in this find function as the value in file A cell B4, and then look for this value in file B and the do an overwrite of values on that row using offset. The next look the...
Using VBA Code Another way to find the merged cells is by executing a VBA code on your worksheet. Once the code selects all the merged cells, you can unmerge them all at once. For this, Open the worksheet where you want to find merged cells. ...
Set c_DATA = Range("A:A").FindNext(c_DATA) ' 定位下一个查找单元格 If c_DATA.Row < c_TJ.Row Then Exit Do ' 归并的行数总是不会大于原始的行数,如果大于,说明查找单元格已经返回到第一个查找单元格去了(查找功能会在指定范围内无限循环),此时可以判断已经完成所有查找,...
Sub FindData()Dim TargetRow As IntegerDim CellFind As ObjectSet CellFind = Sheets("LIST").Range("A1:A10").Find(What:="数据11")If Not CellFind Is Nothing Then TargetRow = CellFind.row MsgBox "所查找的数据单元格为 :[A" & TargetRow & "]"Else MsgBox "所查找的数据单元格不存在"End ...