So the first question I had was “How many of these types of problems can you have?” The answer is not just the same as how many ways there are to arrange 4 letters (4!), because you still need to connect the four points in the same order (although you can change whether you go...
✅ Phat polyphonic chords for dreamy soundscapes ✅ Retro vibes in all the best ways This Omni has seen its fair share of jam sessions but is ready for a new home. It’s been tested and is working, but hey—it’s vintage! So expect a little character, just like all great rockstar...
Logic About Constructing Megaliths:The ashlar-cut technology in creating these perfectly cut, flattened frontal faces of stone, doesnotindicate a technologically primitive Native American or Celtic culture(s). These stones werecut, andplaced,inspecificways, weighing up to50 to 100 tons.For Native tr...
The next two notes, a minor triad would be root three half step four, half step majors root for three, then when getting into seventh chords, etc. Just add the next interval to your chord.Tommaso Zillio 4:23Ian's idea here is rather than thinking circle of fifths, let's just think ...
Stepping down onto the subway platform this morning on my way to work I heard a musician strumming the opening chords to a song. Even with the rumbling of the train that had just pulled out of the station I could name that tune. It wasSpace Oddityand while I was already late for work...
It raisesa lot of questions—was this an oversight? A mistake? Or did NASA alreadyexpect to delay the landingin orbit but just never got the chance? Either way, it adds a whole newlayer of weirdnessto the Apollo 13 mission. It was already famous for its near-disaster, but now you kno...
as an advantage. Certainly looking at cellos, for young cellists it can be quite daunting, quite a difficult instrument to, to get to terms with. And having that thinner diameter, that smaller diameter string can actually help, help with playing in tune, and help with playing chords as ...
According to Texas Monthly, Texas Hunters have a lot to look forward to in 2023, so here's a list of the TOP 3 spots to find some game this year.
It lived in her house, my grandparents house, and my parents' home. It is a treasure with so much detail and wonderful craftsmanship and I'm glad that I can give this piece of my mom's family history a home. I'm carefully researching ways that I might spruce it up --...
NCERT solutions for CBSE and other state boards is a key requirement for students. Doubtnut helps with homework, doubts and solutions to all the questions. It has helped students get under AIR 100 in NEET & IIT JEE. Get PDF and video solutions of IIT-JEE Mains & Advanced previous year pap...