This type of loan is a bit tricky as you will see later. It’s also something you need to understand very well before even attempting to submit an application. Like the other type of housing loan under the Pag-IBIG Fund, you still need to undergo the same pre-qualification criteria when...
An award of financial assistance in the form of money by the federal government to an eligible grantee with no expectation that the funds will be paid back. The term does not include technical assistance which provides services instead of money, or other assistance in the form of revenue sharin...
“Walalangi & Partners is a strong firm that has very good commercial awareness, able to tackle complex issues, good at delivering to budget and providing value for money, has strong depth and breadth, and is responsive to clients.” "One of the best Corporate Indonesian firms. Quality is ...
In 2020, Power Ledger announced a sustainable project to build an apartment and a blockchain platform with 39 apartments. The platform will be equipped with solar rooftop photovoltaics and local battery storage, allowing apartment owners to use it to sell excess solar energy they generate back ...
to customers across Europe for more than 15 years. Skilled at delivering bespoke solutions and complex ... Categories: Currency Handling Equipment, Coin Handling Equipment, Coin Wrapping, Counterfeit Detectors, Coin Handling Equipment 120 Manual Handling Solutions Norfolk, England, United Kingdom ...