Gompers & Lerner (1999a) estimate that in the United States, there are a hundred dollars of publicly traded equity for every dollar of venture capital. Venture capitalists strongly favor particular high-growth, technology industries. Tables 2 and 3 show the distribution of U.S. venture capital ...
Li Nenghuan thinks that garbage sorting and recycling is a huge business opportunity. He, along with several students from the Electrical Engineering Department jointly developed the “garbage intelligent sorting bucket”. The platform uses the latest cloud computing, Internet of things and big data ...
A thirty year old female worker introduced that in the Shun Dong garment factory, processing a bed sheet is 4 gross, which can be processed on average 200 days. The percentage of processing a pillow is 5 gross, which can be processed on average 100 per day, and the percentage of processi...
编者按:本文来自36氪,作者韦雯,原文标题“无人船科技公司「欧卡智舶」获5000万元A+轮融资,瞄准“水面无人驾驶””,36氪出海经授权转载发布。 36氪获悉,无人船创业公司「欧卡智舶」已完成A+轮融资,融资金额达5000万元,领投方为青锐创投,中信建投资本、中关村中诺基金、光远投资、启迪之星等机构跟投。据创始人朱...