continued to be apparent during the first part of the year under review. Inflation, though turning downwards, was still nearly 9% in the UK at the start of the financial year which meant any reduction in interest rates was likely to be some way off. Markets...
I am pleased to report that investment activity during the year remained buoyant with a total of £14.8 million invested across 20 promising early stage businesses, of which six were new investments. It is reassuring to find that entrepreneurial spirit and drive remain active in the UK. Our i...
In the first three quarters of 2023, the leading financial advisor to merger and acquisition (M&A) transactions in the United Kingdom (UK) was Morgan Stanley.
The number of positive decisions regarding financial services compensation claims by the financial services compensation scheme in the United Kingdom (UK) increased in almost each financial sector considered from 2020/2021 to 2021/2022.
For yet another year, the wider social and economic context within which the financial and related professional services industry operates is fraught. After weathering the worst of the Covid-19 pandemic and then the initial economic fall-out of the war in Ukraine, the UK now faces a gloo...
“Our global disputes practice, recognized as one of the strongest in the world, represented Coinbase in the first cryptocurrency case ever heard at the Supreme Court, and the Eurasian Natural Resources Corporation in the successful conclusion of a 10-year case brought by the UK S...
“2022 was a very positive year for our Group, both in terms of turnover growth and margins”, says Mario Rizzante, Chairman of Reply. “In the past few months, we have continued to invest and acquired additional market shares in Europe, the UK and North America. W...
WINTERTHUR, Switzerland — January 25, 2023 — In a very challenging economic environment, Rieter succeeded in significantly increasing sales and expects a positive EBIT margin for the 2022 financial year. For Rieter, in addition to the geopolitical uncertainties, the 2022 financial year was characteri...
UK pension funds lost £425bn in year of bond market crisis Schemes registered a new quarter drop in asset value in 2022 driven by mini-Budget turmoil, finds Pensions Regulator January 18 2024 Caxton Associates LP Hedge fund Caxton suffers in choppy year for bond markets ...