Income statement,也被称为利润表,它详细记录了企业在一定时期内的收入、成本和费用,最终得出净利润或亏损的具体情况。它是企业财务报告的重要组成部分,能帮助投资者和分析师了解企业的盈利能力和经营成果。Financial statement则是一个更广泛的术语,它涵盖了企业的多项财务报表。除了收入和利润外,还包...
income statement 特指损益表或利润表 而financial statement 指财务报表,一般包括:资产负债表;利润表和现金流量表。
Statement of financial position 和 Income statementStatement of financial position 是不是应该叫“财务状况表” Income statement 应该叫 “收益表”还是“利润表”还是“损益表” 下载作业帮APP学习辅导没烦恼 答案解析 结果1 举报 1. 财务状况陈述(财务状况表) 2. 个人时建议“收益表”,公司时建议“损益表”...
Statement of financial position 和 Income statementStatement of financial position 是不是应该叫“财务状况表” Income statement 应该叫 “收益表”还是“利润表”还是“损益表” 答案 1. 财务状况陈述(财务状况表) 2. 个人时建议“收益表”,公司时建议“损益表” 相关推荐 1 Statement of financial position ...
Income statement. An income statement, also called a profit and loss statement, shows the revenues from business operations, expenses of operating the business, and the resulting net profit or loss of a company over a specific period of time. In assessing the overall financial condition of a co...
“Income statement“叫损益表
When looking at an income statement, the financial manager needs to keep three things in mind:accrual accounting, cash vs noncash items, and time and costs. Accrual Accounting Step 1: An income statement prepared using accrual accounting will show revenue when it accrues. This is not necessaril...
The balance sheet (sometimes also known as a statement of financial position) The income statement (which may include the statement of retained earnings or it may be included as a separate statement)The balance sheet and the income statement are usually followed by the cash flow statement and ...
The balance sheet, income statement, and cash flow statement: these offer an inside look at a company. Browse Investopedia’s expert-written library to learn more.
Financial Affidavit是指的一个申明,一般是学校出具的表格,你需要在上面标明你的学费生活费的资金来源,可以来自你的存款或者父母的工作收入。而bank statement和proof of income就是证明的材料,这几份和在一起就是完整的财力证明