1. Statement of Financial Position1财务状况表 Statement of Financial Position, also known as the Balance Sheet, presents the financial position of an entity at a given date. It is comprised of the following three elements:财务状况表,又称资产负债表,是一个实体在给定日期内的财务状况。它由以下三...
Define Financial statements. Financial statements synonyms, Financial statements pronunciation, Financial statements translation, English dictionary definition of Financial statements. Noun 1. financial statement - a document showing credits and debits s
2.1 Financial Statements---The Income Statement The Income Statement Measures a company’s financial performance over a specific accounting period The accounting definition of income is: Revenue – Expenses = Income 2.1 Financial Statements--The Statement of Cash Flows The Statement of Cash Flows Summa...
In general terms, financial statements at the company level function asaccounting reportsfor external parties or internal management to analyze the company’s financial and operational status. Our interpretation of financial statements emphasizes expanding the income statement to illustrate the company’s op...
1.ThePurposeofanIncomeStatement➢AnIncomeStatementisafinancialstatementthatsummarizesthe profitabilityofabusinessentityforaspecifiedperiodoftime.➢Theprimarypurposeistohelpusersoffinancialstatements:•(1)evaluatethepastperformanceofthecompany,•(2)predictfutureperformance,and•(3)assesstheriskoruncertaintyof...
FinancialStatements UNIT 01 BalanceSheet Unit1BalanceSheet ➢NATUREANDPURPOSEOFBALANCESHEET.➢Thebalancesheetisoneofthebasicfinancialstatements.Financial statementsarethemainsourceoffinancialinformationtopersons outsidethebusinessorganizationandalsoareusefultomanagement.Thesestatementsareveryconcise,summarizinginthreeor...
利润表、现金流量表、所有者权益变动表反映的是一定期间的情况,所以financial statements for the fiscal year ended XX指的是这三张表,“截至XX止年度财务报表”。 4、financial statements (including balance sheet, income statement and statement of cash flows) as of [___ __, 20_] and for the [_...
All three financial statements are interrelated and complementary.【跟读】 这三种财务报表是相互关联和相辅相成的。 Companies make a balance sheet at the beginning and end of an accounting period. 公司在会计期间的开始和结束时编制资产负债表。 The income statement shows the changes from the beginning ...
The balance sheet, income statement, and cash flow statement: these offer an inside look at a company. Browse Investopedia’s expert-written library to learn more.
The primary financial statements of for-profit businesses include the balance sheet, income statement, statement of cash flow, and statement of changes in equity. Nonprofit entities use a similar set of financial statements, though they have different names and communicate slightly...