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Public cloud › Private cloud › Whitepaper Find out why 60% of financial services turn to multi-cloud Download the whitepaper Faster innovation, lower cost Second-source Linux with Ubuntu Ubuntu is the leading cloud and container platform, and the best platform for devsecops, AI/ML an...
The Trusted Digital Transformation partner for Financial Services Organizations, take advantage of the latest Cloud Technologies, Security and reduce IT costs
IBM Cloud for Financial Services Agreed Upon Procedures(AUP)レポートは、IBMの委託を受け、米国公認会計士協会(AICPA)と連携して「Big4」の公認会計事務所が作成しました。このレポートは、IBM Cloud for Financial Servicesのクライアントに対して、IBM CloudサービスがIBM Cloud Framework for Financial...
Getting to the cloud by speaking a common language. Learn more See more success stories Latest insights Financial services in an era of discontinuities The first computers designed for business use were introduced to the workplace nearly 70 years ago. Today, a steady stream of innovative technolo...
Rackspace Managed Cloud Multicloud Public Cloud Private Cloud Rackspace Spot Consulting- und Beratungsdienstleistungen Professionelle Services Verwaltete Dienste Rackspace Fabric™ Fanatical Experience™ Anwendungen Anwendungsmodernisierung Cloud Native Internet of Things und Edge Applika...
Centralized management of primary and backup data centers through cloud platform and NeonSAN Rapid deployment of PaaS services such as database, middleware, big data and AI Managed VMs, Containers, Physical Servers, GPU Hosts, and Resource Pool Software-defined distributed storage for unstructured data...
IBM Partner Ecosystem Build on IBM Cloud for Financial Services to speed innovation Expand access to financial institutions, address their concerns about security and compliance, and accelerate time to revenue. USD 387 million was the average cost of a financial services mega breach in 20221 277 ...
Cloud services for financial services VMware Cross-Cloud services accelerate financial services transformation 2 VMware is reimagining financial services The finance industry is on a trajectory for unprecedented change spurred by new emerging technologies and a newfound working paradigm brought on by the ...