Purpose – The purpose of this paper is to examine the moderating effect of gender on the relationship between financial attitude, financial socialization, and secondary socialization agents on experiencing financial problems among university students.Design/methodology/approach – The sample for the ...
(2010). Savings behavior and financial problems among college students: The role of financial literacy in Malaysia. Cross-Cultural Communication, 6(3), 103-110.Sabri, M. F. (2010). Savings behavior and financial problems among college students: the role of financial literacy in Malaysia. Cross...
Financial Problem Among Students have a lot of influence in themanagementof corporations because they will be entitled to exercise the voting rights in a company. They can actively engage in corporate governance. Furthermore‚ because institutional investors have the freedom to buy and sell shares...
led the study. He said: "The findings suggest a vicious cycle whereby anxiety and problem drinking exacerbatefinancial difficulties, which then go on to increase anxiety and alcohol intake. Interventions which tackle both difficulties at the same time are ...
000 first-year students at a public university (Shim, Barber, Card, Xiao, & Serido, 2010), found evidence that, in addition to parents' financial socialization, high school work experience and financial education classes also contributed to more responsible financial behaviors among college students...
TOKYO (Reuters) - Japan is giving 100,000 yen ($860) to support foreign exchange students who are in financial trouble due to COVID-19 pandemic, the public broadcaster NHK said on Thursday. The support is aimed to help foreign students studying in Japanese universities,...
aNot much is known about financial knowledge and behaviors among young Malaysians. Therefore, this discussion focuses on literature about college students’ financial literacy elsewhere and what has been learned from two studies of Malaysian adolescent consumers. 并非被知道关于财政知识和行为在年轻马来西亚...
Many college students are unprepared to manage their own finances, according to some research and experts.
"With various choices ranging from tutoring jobs to being hired to create fake reviews in online marketplaces, how to make the right and safe decision should be a problem to be jointly addressed by the students, society and schools," Li told the paper....
"It makes it so much easier to deny what's going on, to avoidwhat's going on, and at the same time, our unconscious knows, 'This isn't right; this isn't good.' It's a big problem," she says. Fortunately, financial social work...