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Top financial jobs that can be performed from home include independent financial planner, day trader, financial writer, and corporate financial jobs. Certified public accountants (CPAs), financial analysts, tax professionals, and computer programmers are examples of corporate financial jobs. What Credenti...
One portion of the job of a financial trader is to advise clients on investments. As this requires that a financial trader be attuned to the trends and status of the market, keeping up with investment research is a constant responsibility of a financial trader. In addition to stocks and bond...
In addition to trading, there are jobs in market research, account management, regulation, and software development. Working in the Forex Forex markets are open 24 hours a day, five days a week. The jobs are fast-paced and involve long days and strange work hours. They require knowledge...
Futures are a way to pay for something today that is delivered tomorrow. They increase a trader's leverage by allowing him or her to borrow the money to purchase the commodity. Note The futures market removes some of the volatility in the U.S. economy. It allows businesses to control the...
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Explore comprehensive coverage of global markets, including stock market trends, bond markets, commodities, currencies, and more. Stay ahead of the trending markets with Fox Business and all the market news today.
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Practical/ learning (artificial intelligence) multi-agent systems pattern classification stock markets/ biased trader model financial market dynamics trader behaviors covering mechanism learning mechanism bias mechanism agent-based financial market model XCS classifier system model trader learning mechanism trader...