2Normally a financial market consists of foreign exchange market, money market, bond market and equity market. The last two markets usually fall into the category of securities market or capital market.反馈 收藏
(1) the international financial market consists of financial institutions operating international currency businesses, which include capital lending, foreign exchange trading, securities trading, and capital pactions. 2. Domestic financial market, from domestic Finance The organization is composed of various ...
12.Financial Market Segmentation and the Strategy on the Target Financial Market of Commercial Banks;金融市场细分与商业银行目标金融市场策略 13.Financial market is a place where financial transactions take place.金融市场就是各种金融交易发生的场所。 14.Normally a financial market consists of foreign excha...
aThe financial sector consists of institutions, markets and individuals providing a variety of financial products and services to households, business and government. There is also considerable intra-industry activity reflecting specialisation within each sector. The range and variety of products and service...
The major participants in the money market are governments, commercial banks, corporations, government-sponsored enterprises, money-market mutual funds, brokers, dealers, and the Federal Reserve. The securities market consists of primary and secondary markets. The primary market handles new issues, where...
Unit2FinancialMarket金融市场详解 Unit2:FinancialMarket 财经英语 背景常识了解 金融市场financialmarket 金融市场是指资金供求双方supplieranddemander运用各种金融工具,通过各种途径实现货币借贷moneyloan 和资金融通的交易活动的总称。其含义有广义broadsense和狭义narrowsense之分。广义是指金融机构与客户customer之间、各金融...
Composition of financial markets are complex, it consists of a huge system composed of many different markets. However, the period is generally based on the financial markets trading tool, money market and capital market financial market is divided into two broad categories. Money market is financ...
Also known as the equity market The stock market consists of two main sections, the primary market, and the secondary market. The primary market is a place where new issues are first sold through initial public offerings (IPOs). Stock market(股票市场) The trading and players of stock market...
aThis paper consists of four sections. In Section 2 the detailed procedure of DFCI construction and the machine learning algorithms that were employed are discussed. Section 3 is devoted to the DFCI construction for the Korean financial market. Section 4 contains concluding remarks. 本文包括四个部分...
As with the OTC markets, the forex market is also decentralized and consists of a global network of computers and brokers worldwide. The forex market is made up of banks, commercial companies, central banks, investment management firms, hedge funds, and retail forex brokers and investors. Commod...