Financial literacy education in South Africa is an active and growing field, especially promoted by major financial institutions while also included in the school curriculum. Despite these efforts, the country has scored poorly in international surveys of economic and financial literacy. Households are ...
The Financial Literacy of Micro Entrepreneurs in South Africa. J Soc Sci, 40(2), 151-158. Retrieved From, Olawale. 2014. The Financial Literacy of Micro Entrepreneurs in South Africa. J See el . Vol 40 (2)...
Financial Literacy: an Interface Between Financial Information and Decsion makers in Organizations. Southern African Business Review Vol 13 No 2.Gouws, D.G., & Shuttleworth, B. (2009). Financial Literacy: An interface between financial information and decision-making in organisations. South African ...
The purpose of this study is to examine the ability of financial literacy, financial innovation, and financial inclusion to mitigate the adverse effect of
Breaking the back of economic and financial (il)literacy in South Africa: A critical reflection of the role of economic education South African society is characterized by high levels of poverty and unemployment. South Africa has an embarrassingly uneven distribution of income as refl... SM Maistr...
Assessment of Financial Literacy on Financial Management Outcomes: Evidence from the South Africa Employed YouthINTRODUCTIONThe concept of financial literacy is differently understood by different people based...Zerihun, Mulatu F.Makgoo, Dinah M.
This study added to the body of knowledge on the financial literacy of NGOs financial managers in South Africa. The study urgently recommends that NGOs, academia, policymakers, and other key players in the financial literacy field consider the urgent need for financial literacy training or short ...
In addition to providing an overview of the situation on the ground, the study seeks to identify opportunities for increasing the financial literacy skills among South Africans. Financial education is an important part of the ILO Social Finance Programme interventions towards enhancing financial inclusion...
The initiative brings together the best researchers in the field of financial literacy and personal finance to facilitate the exchange of ideas, promote evidence-based research, and inform policy makers and the private sector. The group refers to itself ...
This research endeavors to investigate the determinants influencing the financial literacy of Micro, Small, and Medium Enterprise (MSME) actors in Yogyakarta, Indonesia. The study specifically examines the impact of financial knowledge, financial attitud