A financial institution number is one that's used to identify a specific bank or financial institution during transactions like...
Number of respondents 1,004 respondents Age group 15 years and older Method of interview Telephone interview Supplementary notes According to the source, the methodology of data prior 2018 were presented in the reports 2014 and 2011. *2014 n=1,000; 2011 n=1,000. Citation formats Citation ...
a number of sectors built their business models on rates remaining low, gorging themselves on free money and boosting their returns in the process. Commercial real estate and private equity are particularly notable on this front. Both sectors took on more and more debt and saw ...
Community bank depositsincreased$52.9 million, or3.7%, to$1.49 billion, after two quarters of declining balances. Includes noninterest bearing deposits of$531.6 millionor35.7%of total community bank deposits. Community bank cost of deposits was1.77%compared to1.66%for the quarter endedMarch 31, 2024...
The increase was mainly due to the rapid growth of financial institution agency services and the increase in income from the agency services of disposal of assets from MOF as compared to the previous year. Affected by the sluggish capital market, the income from agency distribution of fund ...
(5) Big4: If the audit institution is one of the four major accounting firms, we take 1; otherwise, we take 0. Lang and Maffett (2010) argue that while the use of the Big Four accounting firms does not necessarily indicate higher financial reporting quality, companies’ choice to engage...
would necessitate accounting for an undefined number of variables, potentially limiting our scope. Additionally, discerning the direction and consistency of variable impacts over time is challenging, given the evolving nature of presidential leadership and the institution itself (Rutledge & Larsen Price,201...
(SA), one of the tools to be used in our study, approaches the issue in terms of polarity in texts; that is, it seeks to establish whether an author conveys a negative, positive or neutral attitude when discussing or describing a specific object, be it a service, product, institution, ...
Slightly less than half of the surveyed firms had access to a credit line or loan from a financial institution (47.8%) or to an overdraft facility (45.1%) at the time of the interview. Bank loans were the funding source for about 40% of the firms that purchased fixed assets in 2007. ...
Victoria I. Okafor, Isaiah O. Olurinola, Ebenezer Bowale& Romanus Osabohien Humanities and Social Sciences Communications10, Article number:305(2023)Cite this article 3926Accesses 8Citations 11Altmetric Metrics Abstract Across the globe, a rise in income inequality has been experienced for the las...