These taxes provide a variety of benefits to qualifying workers and their families through the program known as Social Security. Retirement income is the largest benefit that FICA withholding supports, but the money also funds disability insurance and survivor benefits. Under this act, an additional ...
CFP®, MBA, FHFMA Role Bruce Lorenz became a CFP® professional to help people achieve their financial goals, plain and simple. Regardless of where you’re at in life, Bruce’s expertise in a variety of topics from asset allocation to taxes and everything in between means you’ll get ...
FIRREA gave Freddie Mac and Fannie Mae additional responsibility and funding for making homeownership more accessible for low- and moderate-income families. It also created theBank Insurance Fund (BIF). Both the Savings Association Insurance Fund (SAIF) and the Bank Insurance Fund (BIF) were to b...
In the book, When Money Dies by Adam Ferguson it was stated before hyperinflation broke out that food took up about 10% of a families budget. By the time the hyperinflation ended food took upwards of 95% of a families budget. It appears we are beginning to witness this same effect just...