A women’s weekend of connection and expertwisdom for self redesign Get Your Ticket We Chat Divorce Podcast Real People! Real Situations! Real Divorce! Subscribe “I wish I knew you guys when I was going through my divorce because money scared me!” ...
Divorcing without acertified divorce financial analystby your side sets you up forunwanted financial surprisesin the future. As you negotiate a settlement through mediation or litigation, what may seem like a fair division of assets may result in an unfair situation in the future. ...
Fain's niche is women in transition—those experiencing a major life event such as thedeath of a spouse,divorce, marriage orbirth of a child. Many of her clients are baby boomers whose husbands have died or who are divorcing and have never managed their finances before. To reach this group...
The IDFA trainscertified divorce financial analysts, or CDFAs, who help support the divorce process. These analysts are schooled in the various tax consequences that result from divorce settlements and can help with equitable asset distribution of the divorcing couple's property and estate. The CDFA...
develop curriculum, deliver training programs and communicate in an encouraging and empowering way. She has worked with over 900 clients. She wants women to know they don't have to walk this journey alone—and they certainly don’t have to settle for anything less than a joy-filled, vibrant...
It’s a privilege for me to walk with my clients through their emotional money situations, offering compassion and understanding, but never judgment. I'll provide you with a personalized prosperity plan to help you achieve your unique financial goals. At the end of each session, you’ll have...
Russ Thornton is another CDFA who is a financial advisor and founder of Wealthcare For Women in Atlanta. His practice specializes in retirement planning for women 55 and older. Thornton also says a good mental state is key in rebounding from divorce. 'The m...
We help clients: Reduce thestress,time, andcostof divorce Haveconfidenceduring negotiations Avoidturmoilfor their children and family Our financial mediation services provide clarity to divorcing couples so they understand their options and get divorced without destroying their family or finances. ...