Finances are always a part of any divorce, but with an experienced attorney on your side you can get the best results. Call The Virga Law Firm, P.A. today.
Savvy Ladies: This female-founded nonprofit provides financial education for women. The nonprofit also provides a 1:1 personal financial helpline that offers private, safe and secure guidance about money. AboutNathan Paulus Nathan Paulus is the Head of Content Marketing at MoneyGeek, with nearly 10...
One anonymous way to help plan for such an event is to use different scenarios to determine your financial future using online tools, rather than talking to a financial planner. Nobody starts a marriage expecting a divorce. But life is about adapting to new realities. The better you can adap...
These 7 steps can help you get a fresh start.Fidelity Wealth Management Key takeaways Establishing an independent financial plan is important, especially for women, who tend to experience more income loss post-divorce than men. Be aware of everything you and your spouse own and find a team ...
Divorce Preparation How We Help You Prepare for Divorce Divorce Financial Portrait™ Prepare for divorce and protect your future with financial insights Get Started Divorce U Course Self paced Divorce 101 guide so you know what to expect and how to prepare for divorce ...
Financial Documents for Divorce Information needed for negotiating a fair settlement. Is a Divorce Lawyer Really Necessary? What to consider if you are thinking about doing your own divorce. Best Way to Sell an Engagement Ring after Divorce These tips can help turn your marriage bling into mon...
When a student’s parents are divorced, applying for college financial aid becomes more complicated. Having divorced parents can also mean a lengthier financial aid application process. Preparing to complete the forms far enough in advance to account for the complexities of divorce will help students...
Divorce presents a sharp reality that what one has now will not be what one has in the near future. Clients come wanting assurance. They want to know whether they will be able to stay in their home, maintain sufficient financial support for their household, and walk away with sufficient ...
For richer, for poorer: the changing finances of divorce Budget changes make navigating the economic dynamics of relationships more taxing Save January 2 2025 Personal Finance Ten things to tick off your financial to-do list in 2025 From money-saving work perks to investments and tax planning...
Consider keeping a certified divorce financial planner in your corner to help make sure you get the financial settlement that meets your needs.