Financial situation evaluation of a selected companySton, Stanislav
Fundamental analysis, which is more widely accepted and applied,is the process of determining the value of a company by analyzing and interpreting key factors for the economy, the industry, and the company. A main part of fundamental analysis is evaluation of a company’s financial position and...
Evaluation of Human Error Probabilities of Power Grid Dispatchers Based on Hybrid Risk Analysis Method In the power system, the dispatcher's inappropriate execution commands often have great impact on the safe operation and might lead to accidents. In order to further study the risk mechanism of ...
7.Evaluation of Company Financial Quality by Using MTS;MTS法用于上市公司财务质量评估初探 8.Assessing Quality of Financial Reporting: A Combinative Point of View;财务报告质量评估:一种整合的观点 9.One of the aims of government financial reports is to provide information about financial condition, whic...
Evaluation and Prediction of the Financial Performance of a Company by Economic Value AddedRadka Maliníková
Second, the financial evaluation of M & A Before merger, M & A business goal must be to evaluate the financial situation of enterprises, in order to provide reliable financial basis for decision-making. Evaluate the enterprise's financial situation, not only in the past few years, a careful...
Our evaluation of management's assessment of the entity's ability to continue as a going concern. Our evaluation of the directors' assessment of the company's ability to continue to adopt the going concern basis of accounting included obtaining management's assessment of going concern covering the...
evaluation of companyLack of capital market development cause that calculating the value of companies in the small markets, such as the Croatian market, is carried out primarily from the analysis of financial statements. Lack of market development is evident from the unrealistic and unobjective ...
Quality of earningsfactors heavily into the evaluation of a company's status. This process is usually left to a professional analyst, but the casual analyst can take a few steps to determine the quality of a company's earnings. For example, if a company is increasing its earnings but has d...
Financial statements are the ticket to the external evaluation of a company's financial performance. The balance sheet reports a company's financial health through its liquidity and solvency, while the income statement reports its profitability. A statement of cash flow ties these two together by tr...