Despite the impact of financial hardship on mental health, the evidence for an association between financial difficulties and subsequent physical health remains limited. Some experimental evidence suggests that financial stress contributes to an increase in reported heath complaints among arthritis patients (...
Nearly one-quarter of all emergency room (ER) clinical encounters could pose ICD-10 coding difficulties, according to a new study from the University of Illinois at Chicago (UIC). Is ICD-10 bad for the ER? Urinary iodine concentration (UIC) was measured in 82 of these patients. Too much...
Med- and high-risk clusters were more likely to contain people with cognitive impairments, poor health status, and financial difficulties in their families.Conclusions:We used an unsupervised clustering algorithm that can distinguish between GU cases with high and low expenditure based solely on ...
Being able to adequately handle financial tasks, such as paying bills, budgeting, or taking out insurance, is crucial for successful independent living. Difficulties in handling finances can have adverse personal and legal consequences (Engel et al.,2016; Triebel et al.,2018) and may lead to fi...
The basic idea that the competence (“know how”) to confront financially related matters conditions the extent to which people end up in severe financial difficulties, and thus that such difficulties can largely be prevented through education, is the most predominant theory within the literature (...
The Group aims to solve the medical difficulties in clinical practice through the breakthrough of advanced technology by leveraging on the efficiency and synergies from group operation, and is committed to building a complete business portfolio from prevention and diagnosis to treatment and rehabilitation...
Approximately 60% of patients with psychotic disorders experience difficulties being adherent over time or fail to take their medications as prescribed, with mean non-adherence rates around 50% [1]-[3]. Moreover, among patients who do not openly refuse to accept their antipsychotic medication, man...
The taboo on money conversations can cause real difficulties when it extends to families. My experience as a financial planner suggests most families in the US have a “no-talk” rule around money. While a lot of family members know each other’s earnings, fewer know family members’ net wo...
Frequent antibiotic switching for an infectious disease such as pneumonia either implies a resistant organism or difficulties in quality of care. · Emergency room and hospital utilization: Frequent ER use or hospitalizations for chronic conditions such as asthma or congestive heart failure imply a poor...
Regarding the IMF’s third main area of work, supporting member countries facing balance of payments difficulties and providing temporary financing, the IMF has a Rapid Credit Facility (RCF) and a Rapid Financing Instrument (RFI) which can be each used in catastrophe situations including climate di...