The critical condition of Pakistan's finances may take a turn for the worse within the next four years. The country will soon have to pay..
The results in scenario to Pakistan showed that the floating or fluctuating exchange rate and interest rate had negative and oil prices had a positive relationship with financial crisis.Amna NazeerKhuram ShafiZahra IdreesLiu HuaA. Nazeer, S. Khuram, I. Zahra, and L. Hua, "Impact of ...
The results showed the Islamic financial system was more effective than the conventional financial system in mitigating the effect of the pandemic-induced financial crisis on the economy of Pakistan in 2020. Furthermore, the nonlinearized IMF-DSGE model was better than the linearized IMF-DSGE model...
Impact of Global Financial Crisis on the Performance of Commercial Banks of Pakistan – A Case Study of MCB Bank LimitedGlobal Financial CrisisCommercial BanksDepositsLiquidityprofitabilityNon Performing LoansObjectives: The objective of study is to investigate the effect of global financial crisis on the...
A total of 21 factories have closed in Narayanganj, leaving hundreds of workers unemployed in the past seven months. As a result, they now face a financial crisis and are protesting for the reopening of the factories and payment of overdue wages. According to sources, the closures have ...
Global Financial CrisisPerformanceConventional BanksLiquidityProfitabilityNon Performing LoanThis study aims at to conduct a performance analysis of six big banks of Pakistan during the global financial crisis during the period of 2008 to 2012 Year 2007...
PAKISTAN: The Pakistani government is set to issue the second Pakistan Energy Sukuk of PKR200 billion (US$1.24 billion) to partially pay off the dues of energy firms and help them come out of a financial crisis, according to The Nation. The Ministry of Finance was due to hold a meeting ...
While praising the government's incentives announced for the construction sector, Bokhari said that the majority of an urban labor was associated with this sector and the opening and swift functioning of it would greatly help them to earn livelihood amid the COVID-19 crisis....
Discounted crude offers much needed respite to cash-strapped Pakistan in the face of a balance of payments crisis and critically low foreign exchange reserves. Energy imports make up the majority of the country’s external payments. The deal will see Pakistan buy only crude oil, not refined ...
It investigates the role of external block-holders and institutional ownership on the association between accounting number game and financial sustainability. This study uses a sample of listed companies in the Pakistan Stock Exchange (PSX). Logit analysis is used to see the influence of accounting ...