Financial Benefits and Nonfinancial Benefits The business benefit concept is central in strategic planning, cost/benefit studies, and business case analysis. For these tasks, business analysts evaluate investments and actions by anticipating likely cost and benefit outcomes. People new to these activities...
The Influence of Financial and Non-Financial Rewards; and Employee Empowerment on Task Motivation and Firm Performance of Bangladeshi Front Line Employees:... The Influence of Financial and Non-Financial Rewards; and Employee Empowerment on Task Motivation and Firm Performance of Bangladeshi Front ...
News, analysis and opinion from the Financial Times on the latest in markets, economics and politics
The Company's business is now focused on making and appraising real estate investments. As such, stakeholder and social responsibilities, in terms of impact on society, the communities within which the Company operates and the environment, apply less than that of an operating company. Therefore, t...
2. FinancialExclusion andInclusion The very concept of inclusive finance derives from financial exclusion. Development of inclusive finance aims to address financial exclusion and enhance financial inclusion. Therefore, it is necessary to examine the types and reasons of financial exclusion in order to ...
Despite widespread recognition among financial regulators and central banks that climate change may threaten financial stability, the causes and consequenc
Financial and nonfinancial criteria are used to create management control systems. The financial aspect emphasizes net income, profits, and so on. However, all organizational subcategories have nonfinancial objectives such as product quality, customer satisfaction sales participation, timely submission, and...
This paper aims to explore the relationship between tangible investment and sustainable firm growth, building on the existing research that has linked tangible investment and firm performance. This study focuses primarily on two major theories, namely agency and arbitrage theories, which are widely used...
Financial inclusion is the effort to make financial products and services available and affordable to all individuals and businesses.
Insurance companies are relatively safer than banks as they do not drive monetary or payment systems, and they typically rely on longer-term liabilities than banks do. The increased participation of insurers in non-traditional activities such as credit default swaps, however, has enhanced the ...