The CFA Institute is a global association of investment professionals. It offers the Chartered Financial Analyst (CFA) designation, the Certificate in Investment Performance Measurement (CIPM), and the Investment Foundations Certificate. It provides continuing education conferences, seminars, webcasts, and ...
Financial Analyst JournalFung, WilliamHsieh, David a
研究成果已发表于Journal of Business Ethics、Journal of Financial Markets、Journal of Accounting and Public Policy、Financial Analyst Journal等期刊,主持1项国家自然科学基金青年项目、1项教育部青年基金项目。开设Corporate Finance和Mergers and ...
本文原文刊登于9/10 月的Financial Analyst Journal,是今年CFA 年会时(5 月16-19)华尔街日报著名记者Jason Zweig 对Seth Klarman(塞斯卡拉曼)的专访。Seth Klarman 为《安全边际》作者,为《证券分析》作序,被... 网页链接
想成为一名合格的金融分析师,“多读书、多看报”的习惯肯定是不能少的,为了更好地了解行情和很好的理解数据背后的意义,分析师们需要经常阅读Wall Street Journal, The Economist一类的行业刊物。 2. Financial Analyst 需要具备什么能力? 01 理解与表达能力 ...
AR Ofer,DR Siegel - 《Journal of Finance》 被引量: 120发表: 2012年 The Information Effects of Analyst Activity at the Announcement of New Equity Issues. :Myers and Majluf (1984) argue that informational asymmetry between managers and investors can explain the negative stock returns around the ...
ORA_GL_FINANCIAL_ANALYST_JOB Subject Areas This job role secures access to the following subject areas: Financials Common Module - Intercompany Transactions Real Time General Ledger - Average Daily Balances Real Time General Ledger - Balances Real Time ...
Facial Structure and Achievement Drive: Evidence from Financial Analysts. Journal of Accounting Research,conditiional accepted, 2018. 近期资本市场参与者的物理特征及其经济后果引起了学术界的关注。有学者发现首席执行官的声音可以用来预测误报的可能性,也有研究表明个人的身高和肥胖会影响他们的投资组合选择。最近,...
Such Chinese Walls have failed to improve the analyst coverage significantly.This is a preview of subscription content, log in via an institution to check access. References Chen, M. A., & Marquez, R. (2009). Regulating securities analysts. Journal of Financial Intermediation, 18(2), 259–...
Financial Analyst Journal, May-June: 11-20. Brigham, Eugene F. and Houston, Joel F. (2004). 10 th ed. Foundamentals of Financial Management. Thomson. South-Western. Dermawan Wibisono, 2000. Riset Bisnis. Edisi Pertama. Penerbit BPFE. Yogyakarta. Dewanto, (1988). Pengaruh EVA Terhadap...