under paragraph 10 of the agreement, of the bonds to be g-iven in accordance with the agreement, out of any Canadian doll-ars accruing to the Government of China from current account tr-ansactions between Canada and China. I am also prepared to agre-e to the use in the repayment of th...
If you’ve agreed to pay back a loan or similar sort of financial agreement with a bank or financial institution, backing out gets a little tricker. You probably signed a contract when you accepted the money, so you have a legal obligation to pay it back. If you don’t, the lender co...
1.Contractis an agreement between two or more parties. It establishes each party's obligations and rights. A contract exists only if collectability is probable 2.Performance obligationis a promise to deliver a distinct good or service. Each identified performance obligation is accounted for separately...
Escrow is a legal concept describing a financial agreement where assets or money are held by a neutral third party on behalf of two other parties that are in the process of completing a transaction. Escrow accounts are managed by anescrow agent. The agent releases the assets or funds only up...
Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) - A memorandum of understanding, or MOU, is a formal document outlining an agreement between two or more parties. Mirror Trading - Mirror trading is a type of automated trade that removes emotion from trading and replicates or reflects the strategy of a specific...
A lease agreement is a contract between two parties, the lessor and the lessee. The lessor is the legal owner of the asset, the lessee obtains the right to use the asset in return for rental payments. Historically, assets that were used but not owned were not...
Digi Romania, a subsidiary of DIGI, along with the parent company and Digi Spain Telecom, acted as guarantors in these agreements. The first is aSyndication and Amendment Agreementto the original Facility Agreement with ING Bank N.V., increasing the commitment from €150 million to €220 milli...
XPENGand theVolkswagen Groupentered into a Master Agreement on Platform and Software strategic technical collaboration (“Master Agreement”), marking a significant milestone in the strategic partnership of both parties. As part of the Master Agreement, both parties also entered into a...
As a result of the investigation of the many opportunities on 9 June 2021 the Company announced it had signed non-binding heads of agreement with the shareholders of Zoyo Capital Limited ("Zoyo") which set out the key terms for the proposed acquisition of the entire issued share capital of ...
A bond is a security in which an investor loans money for a defined period at a pre-established interest rate. You may think of a bond as an agreement between the lender and borrower containing the loan's details and its payments.