A biblical approach to money in marriage can make the perfect sense for many couples. Old-school wisdom found in the … Approved By Christiana Njoku Licensed Professional Counselor|8 min read Do Married Couples Need a Power of Attorney?
This can be a controversial topic, when people askhow should married couples split finances?To do it right, one must consider all alternatives and pick the solution for your character and relationship. Married couples should split finances by having one shared service for family unit spending, sep...
This can be a daunting task for newly-married couples, but it is important for you to talk about finances with your partner. Try to have a healthy one-on-one conversation, after all, one of the most important decisions you’ll make with your spouse centers around finances. There is no ...
For married couples, money is a common source of stress and conflict that can take a major toll on relationship quality. But finances may begin to matter in romantic relationships long before wedding bells ring, according to new research led by the University of Arizona. ...
3 Things Unmarried Couples Should Do To Protect Their FinancesGwynneth Anderson
Money and Marriage: A Complete Guide for Engaged and Newly Married Couples Newlyweds quickly discover that money is a big deal in their new marriage. Getting on the same financial page is essential because research shows that the more frequently a couple fights about finances, the more likely th...
This is something my newly minted fiance and I are currently analyzing. I have a bit of concern/baggage in this area for two reasons: 1) I make twice as much as he does and most likely always will, and 2) I was married before and divorced, so I’m a little gun-shy about the ri...
Ways for couples to split bills The do's and don'ts of splitting bills How couples split expenses once they're married Rent is the biggest expense; how to split it up Other household expenses to divide Ways for couples to split bills ...
Managing Money As a Newly Married Couple Separate Accounts Keeping separate accounts may be a comfortable starting point for many couples, especially if they’re used to managing their own finances. A separate accounting system can help clarify income disparities, debts, and potentialspender-versus-sa...
The TCJA tax brackets eliminated themarriage penalty. The income brackets that apply to each marginal tax rate for married couples filing jointly are exactly double those for singles under the Act. Some couples found themselves in a higher tax bracket after marriage and combining their incomes than...