简介 有三种方法获得数据,具体如下:1、通过API获取实时数据请求地址:http://finance.yahoo.com/d/quotes.csv?s=<股票名称>&f=<数据列选项>具体参数:s – 表示股票名称,多个股票之间使用英文“+”分隔如:”XOM+BBDb.TO+MSFT”,表示三个公司的股票:XOM,BBDb.TO,MSFT。f – 表示返回数据列,如”sn ...
使用Yahoo Finance API可以获取金融市场的实时数据、历史数据和其他相关信息。该API提供了一系列的接口,可以用于获取股票、指数、货币、期货、基金等各种金融数据。 概念: Yahoo Finance API是雅虎提供的一套接口,用于获取金融市场的数据。通过该API,开发者可以获取股票价格、交易量、市值、财务指标等信息,以及进行技术...
这家公司创立于2017,由硅谷的Y Combinator投资,一路和Yahoo Finance API以及Google Finance API并肩走来,走着走着却发现只剩下他们自己还在坚持。 他们提供免费的逾20年的A股历史数据,比如以下这个API链接: https://www.alphavantage.co/query?function=TIME_SERIES_DAILY_ADJUSTED&symbol=601766.SHH&outputsize=full...
- restore_cache: key: hcsp-{{ checksum "pom.xml" }} - run: name: Run Maven tests command: mvn clean test - save_cache: # saves the project dependencies paths: - ~/.m2 key: hcsp-{{ checksum "pom.xml" }} workflows: version: 2 default: jobs: - test 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6....
# Yahoo Finance Alternative API ## About Yahoo Finance Alternative APIs Get quotes and essential information about stocks, movers, and finance summaries with Yahoo finance alternative APIs. ## What is a Yahoo finance alternative API? A Yahoo finance alternative application programming interface (API)...
使用 Yahoo,Finance stock API 获取股票数据,需要使用源码和函数设置,请参考下面的数据,一次输入源码和函数即可:HR:=HHV(HIGH,55);HRY:=LLV(LOW,55);HRY11:=HR*HRY;HRY33:=SQRT(HRY11);TJ2:=REF(DOWN,1)<REF(DOWN,2) AND UP>REF(DOWN,1) AND C<HRY33;
The Yahoo Finance API is a range of libraries/APIs/methods to obtain historical and real time data for a variety of financial markets and products, as shown on Yahoo Finance-https://finance.yahoo.com/. Some of the offerings include market data on Cryptocurrencies, regular currencies, stocks an...
API使用方法比较简单,举个例子: http://finance.yahoo.com/d/quotes.csv?s=^XAU&f=snd1l1c6 返回数据: ”^XAU”,”PHLX Gold/Silver “,”11/24/2010″,213.51,”+1.01″ 很典型的CSV数据,比较好处理。“s”指的是股票的代码(Symbol),“f”是要获取的数据选项,上面例子返回的数据分别是“代码”,“股...
According to the Yahoo general API documentation, usage is capped at 2,000 requests/hour. This doesn't seem to apply to the finance API however, as I've performed 8,000 requests in 15 minutes before returning HTTP error 999. No true figure is known. Examples http://download.finance.yaho...
If data collection fails from FinancialModelingPrep it automatically reverts back to YahooFinance. You are able to specify the period which can be daily (default), weekly, monthly, quarterly or yearly. As an example: from financetoolkit import Toolkit toolkit = Toolkit("AAPL", api_key="...