雅虎财经曾经有自己的官方 API,但在 2017 年 5 月 15 日,由于数据被广泛滥用,该 API 已停用。 如今,存在一系列非官方 API 和库来访问相同的数据,其中包括 yfinance。 yfinance的旧名称是fix-yahoo-finance,它于 2019 年 5 月 26 日重新命名,同时它进行了修改以解决一些可用性问题。 为了确保向后兼容,fix-...
这家公司创立于2017,由硅谷的Y Combinator投资,一路和Yahoo Finance API以及Google Finance API并肩走来,走着走着却发现只剩下他们自己还在坚持。 他们提供免费的逾20年的A股历史数据,比如以下这个API链接: https://www.alphavantage.co/query?function=TIME_SERIES_DAILY_ADJUSTED&symbol=601766.SHH&outputsize=full...
$info{ $stocks, "volume" } = $json_volume;# The Yahoo JSON interface returns London prices in GBp (pence) instead of GBP (pounds) # and the Yahoo Base had a hack to convert them to GBP. In theory all the callers # would correctly handle GBp as not the same as GBP, but they ...
Why shouldn’t I use the Yahoo Finance API? Is the Yahoo Finance API free? Is the Yahoo Finance API usable with Python? What are some of the ways to access the Yahoo Finance API? RapidAPI yfinance Yahoo_fin How do I get started with the Yahoo_fin library? Installation Library Layout...
Flutter是一种跨平台的移动应用开发框架,由Google开发和维护。它使用Dart编程语言,可以同时为iOS和Android平台开发高性能、美观的移动应用程序。 Yahoo Finance AP...
发起HTTP请求:使用http包中的get()方法来发起HTTP GET请求,传入Yahoo Finance API的URL,获取金融数据的响应。 解析响应数据:根据API返回的数据格式,使用Dart的jsonDecode()方法将响应数据解析为Dart对象,方便后续处理和展示。 处理数据:根据需要,对解析后的数据进行处理,例如提取股票价格、股票代码等信息。 展示数据:使...
Finance's API yfinanceoffers a Pythonic way to fetch financial & market data fromYahoo!Ⓡ finance. Important Yahoo!, Y!Finance, and Yahoo! finance are registered trademarks of Yahoo, Inc. yfinance isnotaffiliated, endorsed, or vetted by Yahoo, Inc. It's an open-source tool that uses Yaho...
// Get JSON data from Yahoo Finance APISource = Web.Contents("https://query2.finance.yahoo.com/v8/finance/chart/" & Symbol,[Query = [period1 = DateDiff2SecLT,period2 = DateDiff2SecUT,interval = "1d"],ManualStatusHandling = {404}]), // Parse JSON responseJsonResponse = Json....
quote()- NEW API more faithful to Yahoo's new API. See below. This replacessnapshot()and we suggest you use it instead. Note: your very first request will take a bit longer to return, as we need to first send an additional request to Yahoo to get a "crumb" that is used for all...
// Get JSON data from Yahoo Finance APISource = Web.Contents("https://query2.finance.yahoo.com/v8/finance/chart/" & Symbol,[Query = [period1 = DateDiff2SecLT,period2 = DateDiff2SecUT,interval = "1d"],ManualStatusHandling = {404}]), // Parse JSON responseJsonResponse = Json...