finance research letter《Finance Research Letters》是一本国际知名的金融学期刊,具有独特的期刊特点和较高的学术评价。 首先,关于《Finance Research Letters》的基本信息,该期刊由ACADEMIC PRESS INC ELSEVIER SCIENCE主办,创刊于2004年,出版周期为季刊。其国际刊号为ISSN 1544-6123,...
近日,我院齐春宇教授以通讯作者身份在国际学术期刊《Finance Research Letters》上发表题为《ESG performance and green total factor productivity》的学术论文。《Finance Research Letters》是金融学领域的国际知名期刊,ABS 2星,2024年影响因子...
近日,谢治菊教授(共同通讯作者)与香港教育大学、暨南大学、苏州大学学者合作的研究成果“Does financial literacy drive entrepreneurship in rural China?”被金融学国际知名期刊《Finance Research Letters》2024年第1期接受发表。《Finance Research ...
Self-Rationing in European Businesses: Evidence from Survey Analysis, forthcoming in Finance Research letters (ABS 2*) By employing the SAFE survey data set where the credit access trend is observed directly, we explore the so-called discouraged type of borrowers. This cate... C Kallandranis,K...
Finance Research Letters的AJG(ABS)2021星级分区排名情况,Finance Research Letters(FINANC RES LETT)是AJG(ABS)2021几星?
Journal of Alternative Investments Portfolio Management Research 2 Applied Financial Economics Taylor & Francis 2 Journal of Behavioral Finance Taylor & Francis 2 Finance Research Letters Elsevier 2 Financial Markets and Portfolio Management Springer Nature 2 Emerging Markets Finance and Trade Taylor & Franc...
Finance, and finance research, is a globalised enterprise. We examine whether or not the representation of editors at leading finance journals is equally globalised. Using data on the affiliation of editorial board members of journals ranked by the ABS as being 4*, 4 and 3 we provide a first...
Picault M., Raffestin L., ''The other side of forward guidance: Are central banks constrained by financial markets?'',Finance Research Letters, October 2020 (36), 101324.Available here. Picault M., Renault T., ''Words are not all created equal: A new measure of ECB communication'',...
Finance Research Letters. Zwick, D., & Schroeder, J. (2011). Stock trading in the digital age: Speed, agency, and the entrepreneurial consume. In R. W. Belk & R. Llamas (Eds.), The Routledge companion to digital consumption. Abingdon, UK: Routledge. 2 ADDRESSING INFORMATION ...
2024, Finance Research Letters Citation Excerpt : This rationalizes the negative mediating function of executives with financial backgrounds over the relationship between DIF and corporate ESG. DIF may generate diverse effects on corporate performance, depending upon the geographical region (Zhang et al....