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In October 2004, NTPC launched its Initial Public Offering (IPO) consisting of 5.25% as fresh issue and 5.25% as offer for sale by Government of India. NTPC thus became a listed company in November 2004 with the Government holding 89.5% of the equity share capital. In February 2010, the ...
Liang MD, PhD, MBA, in Managing and Leading for Science Professionals, 2014 Finance and Accounting Finance and accounting help in determining and planning the use of resources within an organization, and provide a common language for such understanding. In general, there are two types of finance...
Project Format:Document (.doc) Table of Contents of Project Report: 1. Research Methodology 2. Objective Of The Study 3. Introduction Of Banking Industry 4. Introduction Of Deutsche Bank 5. Deutsche Bank In India 6. Trade Finance In India & Role Of Authorized Dealers ...
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MMBA8181-Special Topics in Management II 灵活模块Flexible Zone(15选4) MMBA8019-Design Thinking MMBA8022-Services Marketing MMBA8027-Managing Customer Experience MMBA8028-Designing Competitive Marketing Strategies MMBA8029-Building Brand Relevance ...
"An MBA at EAHM is superior due to the nature of the Academy’s academic and industry strength. The subject matter, the curriculum structure and the access to opportunities within the hospitality industry is remarkable."
the course taught to the MBA students in their first year at Columbia Business School and covers concepts that every person who goes into business and finance should know. It is taught by a world-class instructor and Professor of Finance and Economics at Columbia Business School, Daniel Wolf...