FinanceAsia Achievement Awards 2023: Enter Now! Enter our Achievement Awards by October 11 for a chance to win one of the region's most coveted awards! Nomination is open to participants based in Asia, Australia and New Zealand.
科伦博泰生物(6990.HK)受邀参加庆典,获颁“2023年度亚洲及香港地区最佳IPO”大奖。 《亚洲金融》被誉为亚洲最具代表性的资本市场专业月刊,在投资界具有显著影响力。《亚洲金融》创办于1996年,其主办的“年度成就大奖”(FinanceAsia Achievement...
In the first ever such transaction in Asia, BNP Paribas played a lead role across the three bonds with hit rates (the percentage of positions that have generated positive returns over a given period) of 53%, 40% and 54% respectively, for 2048s, 2028s and 2023s. This is in spite of...
December 5, 2023 分享 Five deals on which Sidley advised have won at theFinanceAsiaAchievement Awards 2023. The annual Achievement Awards recognize excellence across Asia’s financial markets and “highlight the accomplishments of key players across Asia, Australia and New Zealand...
近日,《亚洲金融》公布“2023年亚洲金融年度成就奖”(FinanceAsia Achievement Awards),华兴凭借在智谱AI完成年度25亿人民币融资项目中担任独家财务顾问,获得“中国境内年度私募股权交易” (Best Private Equity Deal,China - Onshore)大奖。 《亚洲金融》编辑部表示:“智谱AI是中国最有发展前景的人工智能模型创新企业之...
FinanceAsia's Country Awards is a series of awards that recognise the best banks and brokers in Asia’s domestic markets. The awards are split into two major categories, recognising domestic and foreign institutions separately.
Mayer Brown won "Best Law Firm (Asia Pacific)" and "Best Bond Deal (Indonesia)" at the FinanceAsia Achievement Awards 2024 for its role in the
The International Finance Corporation (IFC), a member of the World Bank Group, supported innovative sustainable finance initiatives all through the Global South. It helped to create a new market for social bonds in Asia in 2022, pioneered gender bonds in sub-Saharan Africa and supported blue bond...
"the Company"; HKEx: 00728; SSE: 601728) is pleased to announce that the Company was voted by investors and financial analysts as Gold Award of "Best Corporate ESG Strategy in China" at the "Asia's Best Managed Companies Poll 2023" by FinanceAsia, a...
Ratings current as of August 18, 2023/Press Release Issued: September 22, 2023 For editorial information please contact Andrea Fiano, editor: ### About Global Finance Global Finance, founded in 1987, has a circulation of 50,000 and readers in 193 countries and territories.Gl...