Emily Biberger Director of Portfolio Management: Adrienne D'Ambrosio Managing Producer, Digital Studio and GLP: Editorial Assistant: Catherine Cinque James Bateman Vice President, Product Marketing: Roxanne McCarley Managing Producer, Digital Studio: Diane Lombardo Product Marketing Assistant: Marianela Sil...
德国慕尼黑工业大学的部分硕士专业要求所有申请人在申请时提交一份独立完成的小论文。 论文题目一般在每个申请季开始前由院系公布,通常是院系给出3个左右的题目,由申请者选择一个。 论文一般要求用英语或德语独立撰写,具体要求需要看当季专业规定。 论文是自己独立撰写的文章。从外部来源获得的观点必须加以标注。有关...
AnalysisBusiness OpportunitiesBusiness ServiceCommunityDirectory and ResourcesEntrepreneursFinancial ServiceInformations and ReviewsManagement Sales & MarketingMarketNewsSocietyShopify Liquid and Shopify API – information for beginners The configuration of the online store allows for its extensive personalization. The...
Nuclear Finance,Insurance & Regulation Series: Nuclear "Go Abroad" Risk Management & Regulation Seminar2024-11-28 Centrus Expands Uranium Enrichment Capacity 2024-11-28 Korea Completes Delivery Of ITER Vessel Sectors 2024-11-28 Kursk NPP Preparing For Medical Isotope Production 2024-11-28 China's ...
Strict regulatory requirements regarding compliance and risk management, technology and information, and market conduct Overlap and key differences between the two regulations 相似之处 消费者保护措施 透明度和明确披露: 两个法规都强调透明度和信息披露,以保护投资者和消费者。例如,MiCA要求发行加密资产的公司发布...
External Programme Subject Guides: B.Sc.Economics - Introduction to Economics - Economics, Management, Finance and the Social Services Approach each class as though you were attending an important business meeting - prepare, arrive on time, participate, but do not try to dominate. Arrange ... A...
to demonstrate how reform initiatives have progressed from plan to realisation: creating a regional Public Finance Training Institute (PFTI) in Egypt, eliminating subsidies in Jordan, implementing a performance‐based budget reform in Morocco, and switching to a dynamic debt management system in ...
这个排名是2017年新增的,今年是第三次发布。和去年一样,包括金融、管理、BA和市场营销四大硕士项目的排名。 排名指标围绕5个方面: ●Employability (就业能力) ●Alumni Outcomes (知名校友) ●Value for Money (投资回报) ●Thought Leadership(领导力)
Today, FOODICS is an end-to-end restaurant management and fintech ecosystem that empowers F&B owners and merchants to run their operations more seamlessly and efficiently, thereby fast-tracking their own business growth in the process. With more than 350 employees, it has grown from its Al Kho...
Community webinar on the topic of SCF Onboarding. His remarks came after insights into how SME suppliers react to SCF offers by Christiaan de Goeij of Windesheim University and the first sight of a comprehensive research project into SCF by Prof. Dr David Wuttke o...