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Cypriot financial analyst, founder of Wheelerson Management Ltd, and owner of Osome Group, Grigory Burenkov examines the evolving approaches of leading U.S. politicians towards... AI in Banking: The Double-Edged Sword Redefining Financial Services ...
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Herlander Vaz, an Analyst with Canadair DSD's Information Systems group Some of the key areas of the system were affecting actual billing. "We needed instantaneous validation of jobs and activities," Vaz explains. "Timesheet entries which were not valid would go into a suspense account and we...
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* Hungary says Poland, Croatia interested in its solution (Adds PM comment, analyst quote) Source: FinancialsRead Full Article → European shares hit 7-year high as Italian banks rally January 19, 2015 by Harry Joiner - Add Comment LONDON/PARIS, Jan 19 (Reuters) – European shares hit ...