One Piece's Kizaru Announces A Buster Call On The Straw Hats This act of aggression by the World Government is a sign they fully believe they are capable of eliminating an entire Yonko crew at this point and have openly declared war on the Straw Hats. This is, without a doubt, the big...
During the War of the Magi the gods transformed humans and animals into creatures called espers, giving them magical powers. The gods realized the war was destroying the world and petrified themselves, their final wish being that the espers prevent their power from being abused. The espers ...
War of the Visions World of Final Fantasy All other appearances A member of the anti-Shinra militant group Avalanche. Tifa manages Seventh Heaven, a bar located in the Sector 7 slums. A student of Zangan-style martial arts, she can clobber opponents with her fleet-footed combat techniques. ...
Tales of the Dragonsong War (New Game+) Eternity, Loyalty, Honesty 60 Vath Deftarm Moonlift Dance Hey Now, You're an All-star Letters from No One 60 Theomocent Spectacles The Fire-bird Down Below 70 Bunchin Hells' Kier Hum What a Wonder-full World 70 Kabuto Gratuity West Meets...
Disciples of WarDisciples of MagicDisciples of the HandDisciples of the Land Gladiator(actions•traits)Conjurer(actions•traits)Carpenter(actions•traits)Miner(actions•traits) Marauder(actions•traits)Arcanist(actions•traits•pet)Blacksmith(actions•traits)Botanist(actions•traits) ...
War•Gothic•Grand Theft Auto•Gruntpedia•Gun•Halo•Heavy Rain•Heroes of the Storm•Hitman•Hollow Knight•Ikariam•Inazuma Eleven•Kingdom Hearts•Kirby•Magic the Gathering•Mario•Mass Effect•MediEvil•Metal Gear Wiki•Metroid•Monster Hunter•Nintendo•ObsCure•...
“I expected more from a demon slayer. I guess I was just the one you couldn’t kill”, said Revenant, “Between you and me... I couldn’t care less about the war. ISM just offered me an opportunity to kill skinsuits. Where I’m from, there are none left. It’s not personal,...
The Shadow Lord is the original and main antagonist of Final Fantasy XI. The bitter spirit of Raogrimm, a deceased Galka warrior, he is a large, demonic creature responsible for rallying the Beastmen in an effort to annihilate the Enlightened Races of Va
Primals (蛮神, Banshin?, lit. savage gods), known as eikons [ˈaɪ.kɒn] (闘神, Tōshin?, lit. war gods) by the Garlean and Allagan Empires, and eidolons [aɪˈdoʊ.lən] (幻魔, Genma?, lit. phantom spirits) in the Thirteenth, are magical b
• The war reached its final stages in July.• The president appears tired but hopeful as the final stages of the negotiations begin today.• Adding insult to injury, a double cross awaits our luckless hero in the final stanza.• She said that she had been lucky to sneak in the ...