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External links Square Enix e-Store Final Fantasy X-2.5 ~Eien no Daishō~ English Translation (unofficial)(Accessed: March 29, 2021)atFFX-3 Chat References ↑Final Fantasy X Novella Causing A Stir Among Japanese Fans(Accessed: April 26, 2021)atGamer Escape ...
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De top 3 redenen om Final Fantasy Type - 0 HD te spelen Verbeterde gevechtscamera in het spel Verhoogd bloedniveau ten opzichte van de originele PSP-versie Aanpasbare dynamische screenshotmodus Over Final Fantasy Type - 0 HD Kruip in de huid van Class Zero, een groep studenten van ee...
The liner notes have the same content as the regular version, plus an e-mail exchange between Nobuo Uematsu and Kazushige Nojima and concept artwork. Digital editionA digital edition of the album is available through services such as Amazon Music and Spotify. This version of the soundtrack ...
↑7.07.1Transcript of Ted Woolsey interview(Accessed: August 22, 2018)atPlayer One Podcast ↑Why Eidolons Were Brought Back For Final Fantasy IV DS And FFXIII(Accessed: August 22, 2018)atSiliconera ↑The Art That Shaped Final Fantasy: Thoughts From Famed Artist Yoshitaka Amano(Accessed: April...